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I wake up as a stray beam of sunlight reaches my bedroom only to find myself nestled in between someone’s arms.

“Morning sweetheart,” the voice says as I nuzzle deeper into his chest, “Wait, am I finally allowed to call you sweetheart now?”

I flip around so that I’m laying on top of him, wrapping my arms around his neck and pecking him once on the lips, “I guess I’ll have to allow it, we are kind of dating now David.”

David sits up, causing me to slide down his lap, “Woah, dating? Aren’t you moving a little fast there.”

“Ha-ha you jerk,” I say as I wiggle myself out of bed and begin to get dressed for the day, “I don’t know why I ever picked you.” 

David stands up out of bed and I try not to stare at his bare chest. Focus Dante! “Me neither. You are aware Luke has superpowers, right? Not that I’m trying to change your mind or anything but usually girls seem to eat that stuff up.”

I roll my eyes, “Superpowers are terribly overrated besides, haven’t you realized by now? It’s you David, it’s always been you.”

David grins cockily, “So what you’re saying is you’ve always found me attractive.”

“Don’t make me change my mind,” I tease, “And put a shirt on! We’re meeting everyone at the train station in half an hour.”

“Don’t act like you don’t like it,” David says as he finds his shirt off the floor and slips it over his head. He then falls back onto my bed, giving me that lopsided grin. My grin.

It’s true what I had said earlier. It has always been David since that first night I met him on the rooftop so long ago. It was David who I befriended despite him being a super villain. It was David who saved me when Vigor attacked the city. It was David who made me believe in myself again. It was David who entrusted me to save the world in the Tournament of Heroes. And it was David who stuck by my side after the accident and came back when I needed him most.

“Hey Dante,” he says as he watches me get ready.


“It’s always been you too.”

About a half hour later the whole gang is gathered around the Anthem City train station as they leave to their respective cities.

“So what’s next for Dante Caslon,” Brian asks we say our goodbyes, “You staying here? You know you always have a spot with the Ultraleague.”

What is next for me? It’s a question I’ve been thinking about a lot lately and after a little research I think I may have finally found the answer.

“I heard about a job opening with Crime Scene Investigation in Flora City,” I tell him.

Brian’s eyes go wide, “Wow, I thought you’d stay in the superhero biz forever.”

“So did I,” I admit, “But I think it’s time I moved on. Don’t tell anyone though, I still plan to stick around here for a little longer and the job isn’t even mine yet, although I do have a pretty impressive resume.”

“Yah let’s see them find someone else who’s saved the world, a whole city multiple times, and has lead a superhero crime fighting force for five years,” Brian smiles, “And you know the League’s always there if you need it, and by league I mean Luke and I.”

“Thanks Brian,” I say as I hug him goodbye. Brian walks off to talk with Lexi who greets him a little more warmly this time. She turns to wink at me. What am I going to do with that girl?

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