True Colors

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“This better be good Radley,” I say as I walk through the doors of the Anthem Force headquarters, hopping into one of the loungers and propping my feet up on the table. 

Radley looks up, his wire rim glasses falling down his nose. Radley’s natural state is disheveled: floppy red hair, too big clothes, and hazy expression as if he had just got out of bed. “Hello to you too.” 

I give him a look. He had called me in, just me, but as annoyed as I am at him I’m also a bit curious. “Just tell me.”

“I heard you and Keith stopped his brother yesterday, you two getting along now?”

Radley’s just messing with me. I doubt he called me in to talk about Keith and I’s new found camaraderie. “For real.”

Radley’s smile fades. “I called you in because we need to talk. It’s about time you finally told me the truth. No more lies or excuses.”

Uh oh. “What are you talking about?” I say as I take a few nervous steps backwards. 

“I need to know why you’re always acting so shady and know things no one else knows and have all these weapons that I’ve only seen villains use. I need to finally know Mackenzie Moon.” 

“Well maybe I don’t want to tell you,” I shout as I turn to walk out the door. I’m need to make a break for it and never talk to Radley ever again. Ever. 

“Hold it,” Radley says, “Tell the truth or you’re off the team. No more playing around.”

Darn it. The one ultimatum I can’t afford. Reluctantly, I slowly turn around and stomp back to my chair. “Fine. Want to know all about my glorious past? I was a villain Radley, a bad guy, a hooligan, whatever you want to call it.”

Radley’s eyes grow wide, he stutters for a moment. “Th-that explains a lot.”

I give him fake smile. Now he knows my dirty little secret. I hope he’s happy. 

Finally he sighs. “So you were a bad guy. It’s not that big a deal. Look at David, he was part of a villain team and ended up becoming one of the city’s best heroes.” 

I slump down in my seat, arms crossed. “It’s not like that, okay. I didn’t have a sudden revelation, a miraculous change of heart towards a path of goodness and heroism and all that junk. I did a lot of petty crimes, mostly jewel thefts, but I got caught up in a bad crowd, a drug smuggling ring over in Shore City. Only it got busted by the Ultraleague and I was caught. I was going to go to prison but that Paragon guy stepped in. He gave me an Ultimatum.”

Radley’s still looking at me with those big eyes. I don’t like it. “Well what was it?”

“I had to join your little team, the Anthem Force, and stick with it until we busted one big villain, then I’d be free with no charges. It was that or jail.”

“Why did they do that?”

I take a deep breath. It’s a question I think about a lot myself. “I don’t know.” 

Radley is silent for a long time and for a moment I think he’s going to kick me off the team. Then what? Paragon would come looking for me and lock me away for life. I could run, hide... 

“Well thanks for the heads up Luke,” Radley mutters to himseld before offering me a hesitant smile, “So I guess you’re stuck with us.”

“Seriously? You’re letting me stay?”

Radley shrugs, “So far you’ve been more of a help then anyone and with your special knowledge of Formula X I can’t really afford to let you go.”

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