Chapter 02 // Contradictions and Consistency // Daily Life

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just wanted to share this fuyuko art i made! enjoy the part!

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just wanted to share this fuyuko art i made! enjoy the part!

additionally, i'd like to add a small trigger warning for discussions of child death and implied child abuse

I'm a bad person.

Dreaming about killing to escape this game. A good person wouldn't do that, would they?

A good person would have dreams of escaping the game hand in hand with their friends.

A good person would try to be a role model to the people around them. I'm not doing any of that. 

Can you really judge someone by their actions and thoughts in the walls of a game such as this? I don't think that's very fair. Yes, that's right. It's not a fair situation, so the fact I want to put a hole in Fuyuko's skull isn't my fault.

Is Fuyuko a bad person? I suppose it doesn't matter, since if I want to escape as a blackened, everyone else will have to die anyways.

There must be a reason we were put in the killing game. Maybe we wronged some ancient deity in the past life, and this is just their way of evening the score. If that's the case, everyone dying but one can't be so bad, can it?

The best person here is probably Hironari. A medical professional dedicated to performing life changing brain surgery. But even he, for example, excuses Kanesuki's actions, so I guess nobody's perfect. Is Kanesuki a bad person for how he treats Otoha? How do you measure what a bad person is? Does one repeated mean action make a person bad?

Was Junpei even a bad person? After all, he had fair reasons for wanting to escape. I don't think Akimitsu was even a bad person, his predicament was entirely Akari's fault.

Akari, now she's a bad person. A bad person is someone with no regard for the feelings of others, someone who takes actions to harm others willingly, like a murderer.

Are all murderers even bad people? After all, murder can be justified once in a while, like a murder in self defense or a murder of a morally irredeemable person.

How do you measure who is irredeemable? That's as far down as I wanted to go in the rabbit hole, as I realised that I had been lying awake in bed for 8 hours.

No, of course I'm not a bad person for thinking about murder. It's the unfair situation that's bad, the person who put us here. Yes, that's it.

And it's this stupid killing game's fault for making me question the world view that's been solid in my mind ever since I witnessed the atrocities that others can cause. The only person I know is myself, so I'll use the only person I know as a moral measurement tool. I thought it would always be easy to ignore other people. I guess I was wrong.

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