Chapter 02 // Contradictions and Consistency // Daily Life

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Oh, and to clarify in case you accidentally clicked on this one first, this part and the previous part were posted at the same time. make sure you're caught up!

Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip. "Why am I.." I looked around, being blinded by the fluorescent lights.

I looked down, seeing a large blanket and pillow on top of me. "Oh, good. You're awake." Fuyuko said, standing in the doorway.

I screamed, sitting up quickly and hitting my head on the faucet. I was in the bath, fully clothed. That's right, I got in the dry bath last night. But I could have sworn it was my own.

She knelt down next to the bathtub, looking at the new wound on my forehead. "You're bleeding." She tutted, rummaging around in the drawers for some kind of wound dressing as I laid disoriented.

"What?" I said, throat dry.

"Did you drink a lot last night?" She asked, a little amused.

"No...I don't think so. Why am I in your bath?"

"I came in last night to take a shower and you were in here." She explained, still wiping the blood from my head. "I just threw a blanket on you."

"Um...why? Sorry, but I thought you hated me."

"Why would I?" She giggled.

"Because you were acting like it."

"No, I don't hate you. I was just a bit ticked off at Akari last night and...that bled through to you, cause you're her friend."

"Does everyone think that way? They all hate Akari, so that bleeds through to me?"

"Well, kicking my table over yesterday certainly didn't help." She said playfully.


"Of course I did. I also know that the whole brawl was orchestrated by Akari. Not sure how, but she definitely had a hand in it. So I can't really blame anyone for getting caught up."

"Why are you being so...forgiving?"

"It's better to forgive and forget than to fester hatred. That's what last night was about. I'm glad Kanesuki was able to apologise to everyone."

"Wait, didn't I fall asleep in my own bathroom?"

"No, that was mine. I came in to sleep and saw you in the bath." She giggled, finishing treating my wounds.

She left the room. I gave myself a minute to wake up, before carrying my aching body through to my own bedroom and rubbing my head which felt more than twice as heavy as usual.

My hair stinks of smoke. That's the problem with obsessively growing it for years. It's difficult to wash.

No matter, I'll just jump in the shower and-

1 New Message

Hidemi: Hey, partner!

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