Chapter 04 // Idols and Enemies // Class Trial

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SIXTEEN THOUSAND WORDS!! Almost FOUR THOUSAND words longer than the last trial, which I already thought was super long. It is also three times as long as the first trial in Despair Avenue and twice as long as a few Tame Two trials! It's a lot, so please enjoy!

I've proofread it a bunch, but please point out any mistakes!!! It's like 12:30am and I'm too tired to read it again LMAO

Monokuma: Now then, let's begin with a basic explanation of the class trial!

Monokuma: During the trial, you'll be asked to present arguments and evidence, and at the end you'll vote for "whodunnit".

Monokuma: If you vote correctly, only the blackened will be punished, but if you pick the wrong person...

Monokuma: I'll punish everyone besides the blackened, and the one who deceived everyone will be allowed to leave!

Monokuma: Oh, and just as a little disclaimer...

Monokuma: As poor Chiyo is completely immobile right now, and isn't even present, she is not included in the trial! She will not have a vote to cast, she cannot be voted for, et cetera.

Monokuma: And it goes without saying that she was not responsible for killing the runt!

Shin Akada: But what if she saw something integral to the case? What if we need a testimony from her?

Monokuma: Don't worry about it, I can confirm that Chiyo being here would not give you any advantages you would not have anyways! Her knowledge of the case was just as limited as all of yours!

Monokuma: Now go! Go go go go! Solve the murder of that American Munchkin!

Otoha Aoyama: There are, like, worryingly few of us left. Is that an issue, Monokuma?

Monokuma: Of course not! Plus, you're missing one. Chiyo is still alive. So as long as none of you drop dead on me, we'll be A-Okay!

Otoha Aoyama: Hmm...but the way we're going, there'll be 6 left by the end of this trial, then 4 by the end of the next one...

Otoha Aoyama: Then we're going into the final chapter with only 4 people left! And that's assuming nobody dies to kickstart the final trial like the few last times...

Otoha Aoyama: And then you have the mastermind problem! We may only have three people left by the Chapter 6 trial! Assuming nobody drops dead in unfortunate circumstances such as a rule break.

Otoha Aoyama: For a Danganronpa recreation, those are shoddy numbers...does that not worry you?

Monokuma: I-It's fine!! Just shut up and get on with the trial!!

Monokuma: I'll think of something, I'm sure!

Monokuma: Just shut up!

Fuyuko Shirota: Let's just get started. I think there's a lot to this case that isn't obvious from face value.

Fuyuko Shirota: Principally, the true victim wasn't even known to us until long after Akari discovered the body.

Shin Akada: That's true.

Shin Akada: Since we hadn't seen each other all morning, we didn't notice that Brittany was missing.

Shin Akada: Furthermore, when Akari found the body, this also meant that she didn't question the identity of the victim.

Fuyuko Shirota: That's exactly it. As Monokuma told us, she died while transfigured. She had taken the form of Otoha. Maybe that's a good place to start.

Akari Aokichi: Hm..but what is there to talk about? She just happened to be in Otoha's form, right?

Makena Simiyu: Nothing's a coincidence with Otoha...there just be a reason for it.

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