Chapter 05 // Experience and Lack Thereof // Daily Life

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Shin and Akari came into the restaurant together, both smiling.

"You two look happy." Said Harmony, smiling.

"Shin-Shin and I were just talking about how glad we are everyone's getting along!" Akari explained, looking to Shin. He nodded.

"Yeah. We were a little nervous when Chiyo woke up for obvious reasons, but everything seems to be working out." He said, then smiled again.

"Yeah, it is good." Fuyuko nodded. "I had my reservations about this bunch, but I think it's going to be okay."

"In the interest of the main mission, getting the hell out of here, I'd like to forward a motion." Dissonance said. I watched them approach the bar and lean on it. "I think it's a good idea to start discussing the inevitable. That Monokuma will introduce a motive on a time limit."

"Hm? What do you mean?" Akari said, leaning on the bar.

"I mean that Monokuma won't want the game to come to a standstill. Even though we've agreed to end the game, that doesn't mean Monokuma agrees." They said.

"That's a possibility. It's happened before. For example, the final season of Danganronpa itself had a similar motive in its first chapter." Fuyuko explained to us. "A motive on a time limit which says we will all die if no murder is committed."

"Why say it aloud?! Monokuma might hear you and get ideas!!" Harmony said, hushing her voice.

"I beg you, please think for more than two seconds before you start talking." Dissonance scolded her. "He can read our thoughts anyways."

"He what?!" Akari said in scandal.

"Not yours." Dissonance rolled their eyes. "Just mine and Harmony's. Although I wouldn't be surprised if he could read Akari's too..."

"What do you mean by that?" I asked.

They refused to elaborate.

"I don't see what use Pinkie is. She seems almost functionally void." Ryozo complained much to the chagrin of Harmony herself.

"Leave her alone." Dissonance said, seeming almost hypocritical.

Out HandScouts let out a chime.

"Heyhey!" Greeted Monoissei. We all groaned in unison as both him and Monomeiko started talking.

"Hi!" Monomeiko also made her presence known. "So, Monokuma has told us that he's got this cool thing planned for you guys! It would be super awesome if you guys could make your way down to the courtyard!"

I looked up and made eye contact with Dissonance. "Hm. Isn't that strange timing." I said.

"Let's just get this over with..." Fuyuko said. "Whatever he has in store can't be so bad, right?"

Famous last words.

As we stood in the courtyard and Monokuma revealed himself, I considered what he could possibly be about to reveal.

"Guess who!!" He said, spinning on one leg. "Puhuhuhu!"

"What do you even want? We've shown that your motives don't work on us anymore." Said Shin.

"That's very true!" Monokuma agreed. "You guys all seem very happy to work together to defy this game!"

"Yeah, what's your point..." Dissonance said, leaning on one of the windows.

"Well, it's nothing like before!" Monokuma continued. "All of you actually intend on working together! I get the feeling that no motive I introduce could possibly motivate one of you to kill..."

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