Chapter 04 // Idols and Enemies // Daily Life

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I've been posting a lot, so make sure you're properly caught up!

(Small trigger warning for this part: this part contains descriptions of physical violence with connotations of an abusive relationship. While the two characters described are not in a relationship, the way the situation is presented and the actions and reactions of some characters may be reminiscent of that sort of thing. If that's something you can't handle, read this part with caution and take care of yourself <3.)

This morning, everyone is in the restaurant! Even Ryozo. Of course, Yo-Yo isn't here, but that's okay! We're working on it!

I was the last person there, and there was already news awaiting me.

"Ah, Akari. Otoha suggested that after the success of your party last night we should come together for a meal tonight to celebrate. Great idea, right?" Fuyuko said.

"Uh, yeah!" I shouted, clapping in excitement. "That's an awesome idea!"

I looked at Otoha, who gave me a strange smile. She was smiling with her eyes, but not her mouth, almost like she was trying to convey a message to me. I didn't pick up on it.

I walked into the restaurant proper to see everyone enjoying their breakfast.

"Good, great, beautiful morning!!" I shouted, sitting down next to Ryozo in a booth seat. "Are you happy to be with us?"

He clenched his hands into fists. "No."

"Buuuut you're here anyways." I teased him. "You care!"

"I care about Chiyo." He corrected me.

"Right, right." I said. "Why?" I hoped for an answer this time. He did not oblige. "Fine! How are you this morning?"

"Better before you started talking to me." He said.

"You're funny, Ryozo." I giggled. "If you really hated me, you wouldn't be here. There's a softie in there somewhere." I went to poke him in the chest playfully, but he grabbed my finger and bent it backwards.

"If you touch me, I will break it." He threatened, pushing me back.

I grabbed my finger defensively. "Hey! That hurt!"

He clearly didn't want our conversation to continue, so I moved over to the table where Brittany, Shin, and Makena were sat.

"Good morning, everyone!" I said, sitting at the empty fourth seat.

"Good to see you." Brittany said with a smile. "Makena and I were just discussing the party last night. Fun, wasn't it?" She looked at Makena.

"It was, in the end. I was obviously skeptical, but it ended up being a good idea. Nicely done, Akari." She nodded at me. I was filled with a warm feeling of bringing my friends together, and realised it wasn't even about Yo-Yo anymore. I truly care about these people.

"And how goes it with you, Shin?" I asked.

He looked up from his book and smiled. "I'm good."

"Awesome sauce!" I cheered, standing up from the table and sauntering over to where Otoha was sitting.

"And how are you?" I asked her. "Great idea about the meal!"

"Thank you." She said back. "I just thought it would be a good opportunity to...celebrate our hope."

There's that word again. Hope, not unity.

"Well, of course we have to celebrate our teamwork too." I pointed out. "That's what it's for, yeah?"

Final Danganronpa: Curse IIIजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें