Chapter Five- Truth Hurts

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Once Lady Danbury had managed to escort Jenifer back to her home and in the confinements of her chambers, she finally asked her what had caused her such a great deal of distress and sadness, for she had just returned home and she could not blame her father this time for he had passed.

Jen still had not yet managed to get her thoughts straight, they were going a million miles an hour, all she wished for was them to cease so she could find some sense of relief.

"I saw that Bridgerton boy follow you outside, did he say something to upset you dear? Or... or worse did he harm you in any way? You must tell me if he has" Lady Danbury continued to ramble on, but it only infuriated Jen that she would think so little and so low of Anthony.

"No! for goodness sake. He did not harm me, he... he would never.... He simply told me what everyone else thought and helped me realise I have been lied to for years Lady Danbury" she said ever so calmly, it scared Lady Danbury to no end. She had never seen the youngest Basset this way, it left her speechless – which rarely ever occurred.

"Nothing to say Lady Danbury? Or are you afraid you shall incriminate my dearest brother more if you speak for fear he did not tell me everything? Because I do believe I have quite worked it out from what Anthony and Simon have told me......   Simon let him believe me to be dead, all the while you being entrusted with the truth. If he could have trust in you then why not in his closest friend also?  He let me believe I was unloved and that heartbreak ruined me... I cried for days on end and in time learned how to try and survive with this ache in my chest, one that never fades. I had Simon fooled that I was over Anthony, but each night when I retired to my chambers and Simon off on his rake like ways, I wept for hours until sleep overcame me! Is that a life I was to live for all eternity had I not returned and run into Anthony by chance? How can it be fair that he claims he did it to protect me, when all he did was destroy me from the inside?" she balled and wept, she did not care that Lady Danbury could see her or what she thought either. She had wept in private for five long years and had long gone past the stage of caring who heard her or saw her, particularly Lady Danbury.

Lady Danbury knew not what to do but she held her close, for she knew the youngest Basset needed comfort and the person she truly desired comfort from had been left behind in the gardens with her eldest brother.

Meanwhile as Simon approached the Hastings home he noticed Lady Danbury's carriage outside, meaning his sister was safe at home, whether she would forgive him remained to be seen.

As he proceeded up the staircase he could hear his sister yelling at Lady Danbury, he paused at the door to listen to his sister's sobs. It broke his heart, the small bits he had remaining at least, to hear that she would wait for him to leave each and every night so that she could weep without fear of him finding out. He had not realised that she had not gotten over Anthony, she had him completely fooled. Upon hearing her say he had destroyed her from the inside broke him completely, it reduced him to tears. Something he had not done since the passing of his mother. He knew what he must do to make this right, he just hoped Bridgerton would speak to him in order to pull this off.

Across town Anthony paced the study in the Bridgerton home. Usually by this time Anthony had departed the residence and gone to his apartment or to the gentlemen's club, so for him to still be at home and pacing the study none the less had his mother Violet quite confused indeed. She had noticed he looked upset upon his return from the gardens at the Danbury Ball but merely put it off as being annoyed that he had to attend the event in the first place. Perhaps she was incorrect and something else was plaguing her son's mind.

Unsure as to how to she should approach the situation she simply stood at the door hoping what she should say would miraculously come to her, however, Anthony had seen his mothers' approach and with the mood he was in, had no time for whatever this was.

"Mother, whatever it is you wish to speak of please spit it out for I have had a long evening and wish to be alone" he sighed.

Taken aback by his comment she simply nodded her head before saying "Tis unusual for you to be here so late dear, I just came to see if you were alright"

"I am very well now mother so if that is all" and with that Violet left her son pacing in the study alone with just his thoughts.

How could his oldest friend lie to him? How could he say he had not heard from her when she was by his side the entire time? How could he believe her wretched father when he announced her death with no concreate evidence of it being her or for him not having a funeral for her for that matter, how could he have been so stupid.

She looked do hurt when she thought I had not written to her, she must think me a bastard, a terrible man for not speaking to the one he loved, but had I known I would have wrote to her to tell her of my love for her...... will she be able to love me once more since she has thought for years that I do not love her? Is there another she loves? Oh lord has she married another for she thinks I do not wish to be with her?

All these thoughts tormented Anthony's mind and had him pulling his hair out in frustration until he heard a knock on the door. Taking a look at his father's pocket watch and noting the time he thought it rather late for a visitor. Perhaps it was Jenifer, with that thought he raced to the door only to be greeted by the one person he never wished to see again so long as he lived.

As swiftly as Anthony opened the door he went to shut it in the man's face, only for his efforts to be in vain as the Duke had placed his foot in the way not allowing the door to close.

"Please Bridgerton, hear me out" Simon pleaded hooping Anthony would give him one chance to speak.

"I am afraid your grace, it is rather late and I wish to retire to my chambers, so if you would not mind" Anthony quipped back trying to get the Duke out of the doorway and out of his sight.

"Please Anthony, I beg you. You did not hear Jenifer's crys back at the house and I know I caused it but I am trying to make amends. Please come with me and comfort her... that's all I ask of you. If you truly love her, as she loves you, then you will come with me and make this right once more" Simon pleaded, hoping Anthony would come and help his sister feel better.

Anthony only needed to hear that she was upset and he was convinced to go see her and comfort her in whatever way he could, should she truly want him there.

Upon seeing Anthony open the door further he knew that his oldest friend was coming to his aid in helping his beloved sister. He only hoped now that she might forgive him, because without her he has nothing.

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