Chapter Six - The Past Hurts More

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In mere moments both men arrived at Hastings House. Simon saw that Lady Danbury was still here, probably trying to console and comfort his sister as best she could. Anthony, on the other hand, was oblivious to it and waited impatiently for Hastings to lead the way so he could find Jenifer.

Simon noted on his ascent upon the stairs his sister's sobs were not as loud as before, they were mere whimpers now. He only hoped that bringing Anthony here was the right thing to do and that it would not upset his dear sister anymore then she already was.

He had not thought of the consequences he was about to face as Lady Danbury will not be pleased with the fact he is letting a well-known rake into his home, but he intends to leave said rake alone with his younger unmarried sister. He had come face to face with the wrath of his father numerous times before, Lady Danbury cannot be much worse, can she? He thought.

When nearing the room Anthony could hear the quiet sobs and whimpers from his love and it broke his heart knowing she was hurt and upset. He only hoped she would be happy to see him and that he could help comfort her so she would not be so aggrieved by todays revelations in the gardens at Lady Danbury's Ball. 

With all these years spent apart, not by their own doing, they both longed for each other. Anthony thinking it to be impossible for the girl he loved had passed and Jen only hoping that one day she might hear from Anthony, with an apology for never writing back and that he would confess his love for her. However, Jen did not have high hopes for this. She knew that the reality was that Anthony had probably married some beautiful lady in London and was living happily raising his family without ever giving a second thought about Jen.

Jen had decided once her father had passed, like Simon, she too would not marry or bear a child for if it had not been for him, she could have been happily married to Anthony long ago. If she was not to wed Anthony, then she shall not wed at all.

All Anthony could think about while approaching her chamber doors was about how different their lives could have been if he had only gone through with his plan and had not been stopped by his father for a conversation that fateful night.

5 Years Earlier

With as much haste as he had Anthony packed a small bag with sufficient clothing and money for him to take Jen to Scotland so they could be wed by as early as tomorrow or the day after.

As he approached the door to leave his chambers, his father entered with a wide smile gracing his face.

"My dear boy, so glad I caught you before you disappeared into the night with young Mr Basset once more" he said with a chuckle, "I would like to discuss with you a few mat- "

"I am most sorry father, but I must make haste for I have a prior engagement to attend to. Perhaps we can continue with this later on upon my return?" Anthony interrupted his father, hoping that his father would simply agree so that Jen was not left waiting for him too long.

"Son, I am sure whatever prior engagements you have with Mr Basset at the gentlemen's club can wait a moment and will allow a quick conversation with your father, no?" Edmund questioned his son while giving him a quizzical look.

"Very well father, but could we make it brief" Anthony agreed hoping it only to last a moment or so.

To no such luck, it lasted nearly an hour and Anthony rushed to the nearby lake at the park, to the biggest tree where they would always meet in secret, praying his love was not too angry with him for leaving her waiting for over an hour.

Bridgerton - His One True LoveOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora