Chapter Nineteen - Promenading

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There will forever be just two words that come to this authors mind the morning after any good party, 'shock' and 'delight'. Well, dear reader, the scandalous accounts from last nights soiree at Vauxhall are quite shocking and delightful indeed.

Emerging, phoenix-life from the ashes of irrelevance, is one Miss Daphne Bridgerton. The illustrious debutant was seen dancing not once, but twice with the seasons most eligible and most uncatchable rake, the Duke of Hastings.

Lady Whistledown.

As predictable as ever, the Duke awakes to yet another strange woman in bed, I guess Lady Whistledown was right. This time he awakes rather early to leave behind a woman.

"Where are you going so early, Your Grace?" she questioned him.

"To promenade" he sighs reluctantly as he throws his shirt on to leave the house and to go showcase himself and Daphne to the prying eyes of the ton.

"He is smiling" Lady Danbury exclaims in disbelief, only causing Violet to giggle as the as the pair sit at a bench and observe the couple less than a few feet away from them.

"The Duke rarely smiles" she continues.

"Daphne has an excellent sense of humour" Violet mused with a smile.

"She will need it. Life as a Duchess will have many demands. Hosting balls, greeting foreign dignitaries. Daphne will not merely be 'in' society. She will be leading it" Lady Danbury explained sparing a quick glance to Violet and immediately returning her gaze to the pair.

"I have prepared her quite well, Lady Danbury" she said as they both sat there laughing with wide grins, spread from ear to ear, on both their faces.

Meanwhile Simon and Daphne began their stroll around the park. All eyes that Daphne received were from new possible suitors, while the Duke received stares from mamas and their daughters alike. Both smiling at each person they bypass as they conversed.

"Eight balls" Daphne said.

"No" he interjected.

"Eight balls. You do want our plan to succeed, do you not?" she insists.

"The purpose of this arrangement is to keep the marriage-minded mothers of the ton at bay, not hurl myself directly into the lion's den" he scoffs while looking at Daphne.

"The purpose of this arrangement is to ensure I marry my very first season." Daphne stressed.

"I shall grant you four"

"Six balls" she interjects.

"Five" he stated.

"Six and you must send flowers. Today. Expensive ones" she countered, resulting in a sigh to escape Simon's mouth.

"If you were truly courting me, you would buy out every florist in town" Daphne shot back.

"If I were truly courting you, I would not need flowers, only five minutes alone with you in a drawing room." He replied with a smirk, but upon realising what he had said and to whom he had said it to, he let out a small cough and said "I did not mean..."

"Six balls, Your Grace" she said choosing to ignore what Simon had previously said.

"Very well. Though I shall see about the flowers" Simon said with a raised eyebrow.

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