Chapter Seventeen - Time To Do What Is Necessary

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Anthony awoke with her head on his chest and felt nothing but guilt. At one point in time he did think he might have been capable of loving her, maybe even marrying her some day in the very distant future, but he must do what is necessary and what his heart desires.

He knew this was not going to be easy by any means so he took a deep breath before uttering "I cannot see you anymore"

Sienna was in a state of utter shock and disbelief, he had just slept with her and spent the night by her side and now he can no longer continue, "I... I do not understand" she whispered.

"It is not for you to understand. I must do what is necessary" he said while glancing at his father's pocket watch not wishing to see the hurt on her face.

"You said you would always protect me. You promised to care for me, My Lord, and now... what shall I do now?" she questioned feeling abandoned with no sense of hope now that he no longer wishes to be with her.

"You shall leave" he says bluntly, resulting in tears to escape Sienna's eyes as she rises from the bed they lay in and got dressed. Anthony hated how he spoke to her, but he knew it was best for his heart always has and always will belong to Jenifer.

By this time it was nearly ten am so Anthony got dressed and headed over to the Hastings home to see his beloved.

Upon entering the house he saw Simon entering the drawing room so he decided to greet his friend first. Approaching the door however he heard Simon speaking to Jenifer so he waited outside and listened.

"Jen there you are" he sighed in relief, he knelt beside the couch and brushed the hair from her face.

"Jen, wake up" he murmured, causing Jenifer to stir from her not so comfy slumber on the couch.

"Simon? What time is it?" she mumbled back with one eye open, trying to adjust to the light that flooded the room.

"Good morning to you too dearest sister, it is nearly half past ten. Now do tell, why did I find you asleep on a couch in the drawing room and not in that massive bed in your chambers" he said with a chuckle and a raised eyebrow.

"Ha ha! Ever the comedian as always brother. I must have fallen asleep while reading a book" she lied while sitting up to stretch.

"Hmm... that is interesting, for I see no book in sight near you Jenifer. Did it grow legs and return itself?" he questioned with a smirk, knowing he had caught her out in a lie.

With a groan Jen admitted "Alright, fine! I was not reading a book... I was awaiting Anthony to visit as planned, but... but he did not show. I must have fallen asleep waiting brother"

He approached Jenifer and took a seat beside her, pulling her into a much-needed embrace. "Hey, it's quite alright, I was only teasing. Besides you know Bridgerton, never punctual is he?" he mused with a chuckle hoping to lighten the mood in the room.

"Oh, piss off Si, you cannot speak of punctuality when you yourself have no concept of time" she laughed while rolling her eyes at him, only earning a loud laugh in response from her brother.

Upon hearing this Anthony froze in the spot her stood, after the argument with his mother and deciding to break things off with Sienna for good, he had completely forgotten the promise that he made to Jen the night prior. How could he get out of this one? Perhaps tell her that he fell asleep doing boring paperwork, would she believe that? He had no other option but to pray she did.

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