Chapter Twenty Two - Another Letter...

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"A crush of an evening, Your Grace's. Would you not agree? The young lady is a rare treasure as there is. Do try not to bungle it up then? Thank you!" Lady Danbury muses as she pats Simon's chest and makes her way into her home only earing a chuckle and an eye roll from Simon.

"I think I shall take the air tonight, care to join me Jenifer?" he asks her with a tilt of his head

"Yes brother, but do ensure you do not bungle things up, we wouldn't want you to screw up a marriage that will never happen" she replies with a small chuckle and a roll of her eyes, trying to press down her own feelings until she is in the safety of her own room away from anyone else, but Simon knew better. He knew from the moment she returned to his side that there was something plaguing his sisters mind for she had been uncharacteristically quiet and this was the first smart remark she had made all evening.

"Jen are you okay? You have been awfully quiet this evening... look if this is because of what I said to Anthony this morning I did not really mean it, my temper got the best of me." He sighed hoping she would forgive his idiocy once more.

"I am perfectly fine brother, why wouldn't I be?" she replied with a small sniffle, hoping he had not noticed, but she wasn't so fortunate.

"Hey? It's me Jen. What's up?" he said taking a stand in front of her to block her path so that she would stop and look at him.

"I said I am well brother can we not simply leave it at that?" she huffs trying her best to sidestep him and continue on their way home, but it stopped once more by Simon catching her arm and turning her to face him.

"No, because my sister is rather opinionated and never misses an opportunity to remind me of my mistakes of if I have been a dick, there is something on your mind so spill" Simon persists with a raised eyebrow and crosses his arms over his chest awaiting her reply.

With a long pause and a rather long sigh she says in no more than a mere whisper "How long have you known?"

"Known what exactly Jen? I know quite a lot, so you need to be a little more specific" he says back not quite understanding

"About... About Anthony" she says looking at the sky trying to stop tears from escaping her eyes

"What about him? We have been friends for years, I know a lot about him Jen" he says just as confused as before, this elaboration hadn't helped him understand in the slightest.

"About him and... and... h-his mistress" she asks as a tear falls down her check despite her best efforts

"Jen- I... I wanted t-"

"Wanted to tell me for quite some time now but you were afraid of how I might respond? Please spare me that line for I have heard it once already tonight and I do not wish to hear it again" she says as she wipes the tears from her face with a sigh.

"I did not know how to tell you Jenifer, I guess... I guess I hoped-"

"That I would fall in love with one of those suitors Lady Danbury and you insist I keep entertaining so you would never have to? You know I expected that from Lady Danbury, I would expect her to keep the truth from me, but you? After everything that happened once we returned home, I would expect you to tell me the truth!" she sighs in frustration and throws her hand in the air as her tears continue to fall.

"Jen I am-"

"Sorry? Doing it for my own good? To protect me? Which one is it this time Simon?? Because none of these options were good enough not to tell me! I am so sick of people making decisions for me and my benefit! I am more than capable to do so for myself!" she shouts at him.

Simon takes a step closer to her trying his best to embrace her and make her feel better, but she takes a step back wanting nothing to do with him at that moment in time.

"You know what's worse? I don't even blame him... he thought I was dead, so I have no right to be mad... I'm just hurt that he stood me up for her... I waited up all night like some lovesick puppy and believed every word he said when he told me he fell asleep doing work" she said as a sob left her lips,

"He's probably with her now because I told him I needed time... I've driven him straight to her, haven't I?" she sobs louder and falls into Simons embrace, burying her head in his chest to muffle the sound of her cries.

"Shh! No, you didn't. He loves you Jen and if he means what he says then he won't run back to the singer, he'll give you time like you asked for" he says as he rubs soothing circles on her back to try and calm her down. Jen pulls her head up from his chest and through blurry eyes looks at her brother in utter confusion.

"Singer? What singe- the opera singer? That... that is who his mistress is? Oh my god that is what you meant the night you arrived home drunk wasn't it?" she gasps as she steps out of her brothers hold.

"Jen I am so sorry I thought you knew" he sighs and rubbed his hand over his face, stressed that he has made everything one hundred times worse now.

"It.. its okay.. you were not to know" she hiccupped and takes a deep breath

"Jen the moment Lady Danbury told me I wanted nothing more than to tell you, but it was best you heard it from Anthony... you must know that" Simon said hoping she would understand why he didn't tell her sooner

"It makes sense now, she is beautiful and talented... a perfect match for Anthony.." she said with a shaky breath and ran towards the house, wanting nothing more than to be left alone in the confinements of her room.

"Jen! Jen wait please!" Simon shouts as he runs after her

"I'm fine, I wish to be alone Simon" she chokes out as she rushes to her chambers and locks the door behind her so she can be left alone to think and cry.

Frustrated with himself and the fact he just made the evening even worse for Jenifer than it had already been, Simon decided to take a long stroll by himself to give her some space.

As tears streamed down her face she sealed the envelope. She knew it would be selfish of her to expect him to leave behind a life he made when she wasn't here so she was not going to give him the option to do so, instead she was going to be the heartbroken one who would watch the love of her life walk away if it meant he was happy. Even if she was dying on the inside. Once she handed the letter to Marion she shut he chamber door and slid down it until she reached the ground with a thud. Placing her head in her lap she spent the night crying until she had no tears left.

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