Chapter Eighteen - Vauxhall

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By the evening Jen had collected herself and got ready for an exciting night at Vauxhall. Having to travel with Lady Danbury had dampened her excitement ever so slightly, however when she learned they would be traveling by boat to the festivities her excitement levels exceeded the original levels she had and a huge grin graced her face.

Simon entered the boat firstly and helped Lady Danbury to be seated at the front of the boat, he then turned and offered Jen a helping hand. Once she was safely in her seat, he took his spot beside her and they began the trip there.

Jen has always been mesmerised by the water, so she took great interest in staring at the nights sky reflecting in the water, Simon smiled fondly at her because he knew she was finally calm and tranquil for the first time in a while and he hoped she would be able to enjoy her evening.

When they all got off the boat, they were greeted by laughter filling the air as people danced to the loud music being played. The whole way from the dock to the party mamas and their daughters followed behind the siblings, hot on their heels, trying to speak to Simon. Just as the Basset's thought they were going to escape pretentious mamas they were stopped in their tracks.

"The resemblance is remarkable. You look just like him... your father" another mama says overly enthused to Simon, causing bile to rise in his throat at being compared to that awful man. Knowing he would detest being compared to that wretched man, Jen squeezed his arm to try and comfort him and he smiled at her in acknowledgement. Before the mamas could continue they were distracted by a loud and booming voice.

Ladies and Gentlemen, a most extraordinary event is about to take place. Right this way! Come! Come!

Both Daphne and Simon's eyes lock and they stare at one another, neither being able to turn away first. Daphne only breaks her gaze when her mother pulls her in the direction of the voice. Jen too follows the crowd to see what is occurring, assuming her brother would be right behind her, but he slipped away and headed in the opposite direction of the crowds. He needed some time for himself to cool down and forget about that horrendous man he was just compared to.

It is with great privilege I present Vauxhall's newest spectacle of illumination. Feast your eyes above and allow all that is radiant to overwhelm you!

They were all lead to an area of darkness and were left to wonder what would occur next. They saw a man approach with a burning torch and he lights the rope on fire. As it burns, in turn it leads to hundreds of little lights to turn on above them. All the guests including Jenifer and Daphne gasped and turned their heads to the sky. They were all left to stare in wonder and awe. Jen's eyes lit up in fascination and amazement, just as the bulbs above her did.

Wonderful light! Thank you! The voice boomed once more.

Daphne and Jen had ended up next to each other as they looked above them fascinated by the view as Anthony approached the pair, standing next to Jenifer and in front of his sister.

"Is it not the most bizarre? Look, brother" she said with a chuckle, trying to gain Anthony's attention. However, he continued to stare above her head and in the direction of a group of men, which Jenifer found most strange.

"What is it?" she enquired, noting he would not look above him or at her.

"Lord Berbrooke's barony is over 200 years old. His lineage is legitimate. He has an excellent education, possesses no debts, never hurt an animal or woman and is even a decent shot. To speak strictly, there is nothing wrong with him" Anthony began, Jen grabbed his arm having a slight inkling where he was going with this and not liking the idea in any way.

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