Chapter Ten - Do See Sense Brother

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With the passing of a few days Lady Whistledown had released another set of her society papers that had the whole ton abuzz to read, well everyone except the Bridgerton's.

Dearest reader, this author finds herself compelled to share the most curious of news. It seems our diamond requires a closer inspection. As such, an even rarer jewel of only the most remarkable brilliance, fire and luster has been unearthed. Her name, known to most, yet soon known to all, is Miss Jenifer Basset or should I say Hastings. The younger sibling of our beloved Duke of Hastings who has made his return to the ton.

This author is left to wonder whether Her Majesty might reconsider the high praise she once afforded Miss Bridgerton, foe we all must know what the Queen despises more than anything... being wrong.

And the drawing room at Bridgerton House currently appears to be emptier than the muddled head of her dearest King George.

In other news, a most peculiar suitor for Miss Daphne Bridgerton has emerged, none other than Lord Berbrooke.

Lady Whistledown.

"Has anyone else read what Lady Whistledown has written of late?" Eloise questioned her siblings and mama after finishing reading the latest copy of the society papers

"Should anyone pay any heed to what Lady Whistledown writes of late? I certainly do not" Francesca replied with a roll of her eyes that Eloise would believe everything Whistledown writes.

"Mama, perhaps we might attend the upcoming Salisbury ball by ourselves and the Merriweather tea too" Daphne mused to her mother, hoping she would agree and save her the embarrassment of her eldest brother.

"I believe that Anthony has already replied on our behalf, dearest. Apparently he has managed our social calendar through June" Violet replied, just as unhappy about the whole ordeal as her daughter is.

"He will be there for the entire season?" she questioned in utter disbelief; having thought he would have found other things to occupy his time by now.

"Lady Whistledown has made her opinion of our dear sister's fortunes quite clear" Eloise mused about the disaster that was her sisters love life.

"Oh enough about Lady Whistledown" Daphne exclaimed rather tired of the fact Lady Whistledown had all but declared her ineligible to the whole ton.

With the passing of a further two days Anthony had to juggle his time between his own home and Hastings home to ensure neither were being harassed by the improper suitors, however it usually resulted in him spending more time defending Jen and leaving Daphne defenceless against none other than Lord Berbrooke.

Anthony as the man of the house knew he should be at home to find Daphne a husband, but his conscience could not allow him to leave the side of his beloved. He knew his duties belonged to his family, but he could not lose the love of his life now that she has returned, ultimately leaving him at a loss of what was morally right to do.

"Lady Whistledown has all but declared me ineligible, worthy of the affection of a detestable simpleton and no one else. Tell me, what others should ever want such damaged goods now?" Daphne questioned her brother, praying he would realise the severity of the situation he had landed her in.

"You speak as if Lady Whistledown were to be held in higher regard than Her Majesty the Queen herself. You give far too much credit to some anonymous scribbler. These musings, they are not true." Anthony replied completely dumbfounded that his sister was to believe some utter rubbish some unknown person was to write rather than the Queen herself.

"Only they are true brother, and they are true because of you. You have managed to scare away every worthy suitor away. Whistledown has merely reported it." She huffed.

"I am looking out for you. I am protecting you. It is my duty" Anthony stated hoping she would see he was doing this for her benefit.

"And what of my duty? You have no idea what it is to be a woman... what it might feel like to have one's entire life reduced to a single moment. This is all I have been raised for. This... is all I am. I have no other value. If I am unable to find a husband, I shall be worthless" Daphne reasoned with him, knowing he had no idea of how important this was to her for he never had to go through all of this, for he has a much simpler life than she has.

"Daphne, you are a Bridgerton" he retorted

With a scoff she replied "It would be easier if I were not" and rode away from her brother as the anger bubbled inside of her.

Annoyed by the ordeal Anthony rode away from where his sister had left him and went in search of his beloved whom he knew would be hiding out by their tree at the lake. He knew she would be here to escape the pointless conversations back at home and was glad of it for the two had not spoken properly since the Danbury Ball and he wished to finally know what occurred five years prior and to tell her about what he had done in her absence.

He knew she would not be pleased, but he knew it was better to come from him than for her to hear them from a stranger. He only hoped she would not loath him and find it in her to still love him.

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