Chapter Fifteen - Time To Wake Up Brother

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The following morning was not pleasant for the Duke at all, he woke up feeling the most hungover he had ever been. Wishing he could stay in bed for the remainder of the day and forget about his responsibilities he closed his eyes in hopes of being able to return to his slumber.

Life could not be that simple for Simon however because in came his sister making too much noise for his liking. She marched over to his window and yanked open his curtains letting the light flood into the room resulting in a frustrated groan to escape Simon's lips.

"Really Jenifer?! Must you be such a pain in one's ass so early in the morning?" he whined like a two year old who had been told they were not allowed sweets.

"Well maybe if one did not get completely wasted last night then you might have gotten out of bed before lunch time brother. Now do get up I need to speak with you." She replied back smartly with her arms crossed over her chest.

"And what do you call this dear sister if not talking?" he smirked, happy with her response as he knew it would infuriate his sister.

"Quite the comedian today brother, but I mean a proper word in the drawing room if you would?" and with that she left him alone to get dressed and follow her down.

Trudging down the stairs Simon made his way to speak with his sister. Perhaps today would be the day he was finally to be forgiven, but by the look on her face he wasn't quite sure.

"Well what was so important it required wakening me Jenifer?" he questioned taking a seat opposite her.

"It is the middle of the day, you should have been up hours by now... but that is not the point. Last night – "

"I am not some child who needs reprimanding for my actions Jenifer, especially from my younger sister" he sighed, done with their conversation already.

"I am not reprimanding you! You are old enough to make your own choices Simon. I was simply trying to say, last night Lady Danbury accepted an invitation on our behalf to have dinner at the Bridgerton's this evening. She asked that I ensure you attend so I was just trying to inform you before you made any other arrangements for this evening" she replied, fed up with her brothers' attitude, especially when he had just woken up.

"Well I am afraid tha- "

"No Simon, you are attending and that is final. Should you ever wish for me to forgive you then make tonight the beginning of it" she stated, knowing that it would gain his attention.

"Very well Jenifer" he said with a nod knowing there was no escaping this. "Now if that is all" he said while turning to leave.

"Simon wait! One more thing..." he turned to face her, by the look on her face he knew she didn't know how to phrase what she wanted to ask him.

"Last night in your chambers, you asked about why Lady Danbury mentioned the Bridgerton's and when I said we would speak of it in the morning, you... you... you mumbled something about her telling me of the opera singer... what did you mean?" she enquired, wishing to finally know what he had meant for it was starting to drive her insane not knowing how the two connected.

Panic instilled Simon, he promised Anthony that his secret would be safe with him but in his drunken state he nearly told Jenifer the truth that would have broken her entirely. "Jen, I was a drunken mess. I do not know what I was saying. I do not even know who the opera singer is. Do not pay any heed to my drunken ramblings" he hoped that that would be sufficient enough to convince her to drop the matter and that he would not have to break her heart before attending dinner at the Bridgerton's.

"Very well brother, if you insist. I must go prepare for this evening. Please be ready to leave on time for dinner at the Bridgerton's" she asked him and received only a short nod from Simon in response.

He knew she did not fully believe his excuse, but it stopped her persisting for now at least.

For his sake and Anthony's, he only hoped Anthony would stop seeing his mistress so that he would not have to continue lying to his sister.

Jen knew that Simon was lying to her when he took a long pause before answering her question. If Simon would not give her answers then she would simply have to find them for herself. Her best way of figuring out the opera singers' connection to the Bridgerton's would be to ask Daphne before dinner and if she could not give her an answer, she would simply just have to ask Anthony after dinner when they get a moment alone away from his family and her brother.

As Jenifer made her way downstairs she expected to be met with an empty hallway and for her brother to be late, as per usual. However, much to her surprise, Simon was stood by the staircase waiting for her so he could escort her to their carriage.

"Tis nice to see you here and on time brother" she joked while taking his hand as she took her final step down the stairs.

"Do not get used to it Jenifer, for it will not happen often" he replied back with a laugh, leading her outside.

Both siblings laughed on their way out of the house, content with being in each other's presence for the first time since the catastrophic event that was the night of the Danbury Ball.

Approaching Grosvenor Square Jenifer decided now would be the right time to remind Simon how to act appropriately around others, for he was lacking imperative knowledge in that department.

"Now brother, please remember to be civil and do not be cruel with what you say, for we are guests being invited for dinner-" she started but was interrupted by her brother's laughter.

"Oh please Jen, Anthony is my oldest friend, I shall not be disrespectful in his home" he said just in time for their carriage to come to a halt outside the Bridgerton's home.

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