Chapter 3: Hinata's secret

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The next day at school

Hinata was quiet all the time. She didn't talk to anyone. TenTen was worried about her.

"Hey Naruto, don't you know what's up with Hinata?"

"Huh? Hinata? I think she's fine, look at her-!" Naruto looked at her and saw how empty she was.

"Maybe she ate something weird."

"You idiot! I know Hinata well, something had to happen!" said TenTen and hit Naruto.

"Ahh! That hurts!"

"This is nothing compared to what Hinata is going through!" She hit him again.

"You don't even know her as long as me and you still noticed something is wrong... Honestly, I'm glad Hinata has such friends, although now I have to look like a freak." He stroked.

"Just talk to her! I tried, but she ignored me. Do it!" TenTen grabbed his ear and dragged him to Hinata. Hinata was surprised, but her eyes were still empty.

"H-Hinata, are you okay-ttebayo?" Silence. She didn't say anything.

"Oi Hinata! Talk to me! You are scaring me!" She sighed.

"You won't even talk to your crush?" said TenTen and Hinata blushed.

"Her crush? What?" Naruto looked around to find who it is.

"Idiot," thought TenTen. The bell rang, which saved Hinata and she went to lunch.

"Wait, Hinata!" At lunch Naruto sat with Sasuke.

"Hey Sasuke, didn't you notice Hinata is weird today?"

"Hmm? Wasn't she always weird?"

"What are you talking about?! She doesn't even talk to me!"

"Maybe that's because you are an idiot."

"Keep it! She doesn't even talk to TenTen!"


"Her friend."

"I see, she has friends."

"You are cruel and TenTen is our classmate since the beginning. How could you forget?"

"Too much people in our class. So annoying."

"Why do you remind me of Shikamaru?" thought Naruto.

"The seats are full, what a drag..."

"Yo Shikamaru!" Choji waved at him.

"I should know Choji will be already here. It's so predictable..." Suddenly someone grabbed his sleeve.

"Hmm?" He turned around.


"Hi Shikamaru."

"What are you doing here without Sakura?"

"I... ended our friendship."


"Can I seat with you? I don't want to seat alone."

"Well, yeah."


"She's so troublesome, what a drag," thought Shikamaru. Choji didn't expect Ino to come.

"What brings you to us?" he asked coldly.

"C-Choji, I was thinking of restoring our friendship." She smiled sincerely.

"Is that one of your lies?"

"Hey Choji, don't be so rude!" said Shikamaru.

"That's all right, Shikamaru, I know what I did."


"Because of the popularity, I forgot about you two. I ignored you and lied to you. My popularity completely engulfed me and I didn't think of anything else. All I tried was to seduce the most popular boy in the class. I'm so, so dumb! You two saved me from loneliness and this is how I repaid you. Later I was even mean to you. I-I'm so sorry... I don't even expect you to forgive me," she cried.

"Oi Ino..." Choji hugged her.

"Don't cry, Ino, you will have swollen eyes and it doesn't look nice on you."


"I... forgive you."

"Me too," said Shikamaru.

"Guys!" She hugged them both. She was happy after long time.

Naruto learned nothing from Sasuke. He decided to come to Hinata alone. She was surprised, but didn't say anything.

"Hinata, why are you like this?" Silence.

"What happened? Someone hurt you? Did they bully you again?"

"T-that's none of your business..." She didn't want to sound rude, but this is a secret.

"Old Hinata would never say this to me. I don't recognise you."

"Then look! It's still me!" She leaned over to show him her eyes as evidence. She had tears in them.

"I didn't mean that."

"Then what?"

"Why do you keep ignoring TenTen? Isn't she your friend?"

"I don't want to hurt her, it's dangerous for her to be friends with me. The same goes for you!"

"Uhh, what do you mean? What happened?"

"Nothing, nothing you should know!" She held her head. She got a headache.

"Friends are important. So that you are not alone in everything."

"I know, but it's better than to lose them."

"What?" Hinata quickly left. She said too much.

"What did she mean by that-ttebayo?"

"I said too much. I'm so stupid," thought Hinata and accidentally bumped into TenTen.


"I'm sorry," Hinata said and left.

"What's going on...?" thought TenTen.

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