Chapter 3: Rejected Sakura

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Sasuke’s POV

The mission will be the day after tomorrow. We're leaving tomorrow night. I have to prepare properly! I was walking around the city. I had to think of a few things. Suddenly I saw Jiraiya. As if he was deliberately waiting for me here.

"Yo Sasuke!"


"You can call me Jiraiya the Gallant!"

"I think I’ll pass."

"So the reason I’m here…" I narrowed my eyebrow.

"Actually, I'm just collecting data here. I decided to write novels!" He said, looking at the hot springs. Can’t believe he was professional FBI agent.

"S-sure." What the hell does he want?!

"Sasuke, I was at Hyuuga’s."


"Hinata is… the sniper. Hiashi told me."

"I know."

"Really? Then why didn’t you tell it to your father?"

"I made a promise."

"Hmm, was it Naruto, wasn’t it?"

"Heh, you are not so stupid," I said.

"So he knew it. Why does he keep protecting her?"

"Maybe… there’s something going on."

"Hmm? What do you mean?"

"Tss, nothing," I sighed. He's dense like Naruto.

"All right, but sorry, Sasuke. I’ll tell it to your father. It’s my mission."

"I completely understand."

"I’m glad and don’t listen Naruto too much. He’s still a fool."

"You are in mistake. Naruto is actually really smart."

"I see…" said Jiraiya and left. Tss, that old pervert. Who does he think he is? Suddenly I saw Sakura. She was… hiding? Don’t tell me she’s watching me again! That’s just creepy.

"Sasuke-kun is acting weird. And why was he talking to that disgusting guy? Maybe I should stop hiding, but I want to know more about him…"

"Huh?!" As soon as I saw her, I evaporated. I don't need her to know everything about me. She didn't notice me, she was still in shock. Now's my chance. I was standing right above her, on the roof. She was hiding in a dark alley. Idiot, doesn't she know it's dangerous there? She was still looking at the place where I was talking to Jiraiya. I took advantage of that and quickly jumped in front of her.

"Haah!" she yelled. God, she’s so annoying. I pushed her against the wall to let her know I was deadly serious. I wanted to scare her so she wouldn't care about me anymore. I propped my elbow against the wall, directly above her.

Then I gave her a death stare. Unfortunately, she misunderstood it. She was frightened for a while, but when she realized it was me, she began to blush. Then she closed her eyes and pursed her pink lips. She even grabbed my shirt and wanted to pull me close. I slapped her hand. Then I was at least a meter away from her.

"Damn, I'm supposed to be the scary one…" I said. She giggled. She’s… really weird.

"Listen, Sakura, what are you doing here?" I don't understand her or her feelings.

"I, I was just walking here." I narrowed my eyebrow. Does she think I’m stupid?

"You couldn't think of a worse lie. Bad liar."

"It’s true! But then I saw you talking to that guy. I was curious and stayed here."

"I'm really tired. Do you think this is the first time I've noticed you?"

"W-what?" she said gently.

"Sakura, you are stalking me all the time. I've always avoided you, but I've had enough."

"I-it’s not true… It was always a coincidence."

"Coincidence you say, the hell with that! Stop stalking me or I’ll report you to the police!"

"It’s not stalking! Just an innocent sighting of my crush…" It already gave me a headache.

"If I'm your crush and you really love me so much…" She gave me all her attention.

"… then leave me alone!" I said seriously. Her eyes trembled.

"W-what did you say?"

"Tss, you are so dense. I don’t want to do anything with you. Get lost!" Tears appeared in her eyes.

"I will always love you, Sasuke-kun!" she yelled and ran away. This sentence pleased me a little. Well, it was cruel from me, but it’s for her own safety. She wouldn’t leave me alone otherwise. I returned home and Jiraiya was just talking to my father.

"So the sniper is… Hinata Hyuuga." Shit, he said it!

"Hinata Hyuuga… Sasuke, isn’t that your classmate?" How did he notice me?

"Uhh, well, yes…"

"Then it will be your job."

"W-what do you mean?"

"If you really want to stand by Itachi's side, you have to kill her."

"Kill her?"

"Is that a problem?"

"Not at all…" Naruto would never forgive me… That's not the only thing. I don't even want to do it. I have nothing against her. But unfortunately, it is her fate as a descendant of Hyuuga… There’s nothing I can do…

"It's the mission tomorrow. Sasuke, get ready. Hinata will not be an easy opponent."

"Is she really that strong?"

"Hmm." Jiraiya nodded. Jiraiya wasn't happy either. He knew that Naruto liked Hinata. It’s obvious. I immediately ran to prepare. There is no time to waste and moreover Sakura delayed me... Sakura, I wonder if I said too much. But it doesn’t matter now! We have to go to our basement first.

I changed and put on a bulletproof vest. In addition to the gun, I took my katana. I heard about the martial art of the Hyuuga family. But they are not the only ones who have it. Uchiha family also masters the martial art called Kendo. In which the katana is being used.

"Sasuke, are you ready?"

"Of course!" It won't be easy with the sniper. That is, if Hinata tries anything.

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