Chapter 9: Going back

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Next day

"Ahhh!" Naruto yawned. He slept in a room with Gaara, but he noticed he couldn’t sleep last night. He has bags under his eyes and looks sleepless. As if he had longer sleep problems.

"Gaara, I didn’t see you fall asleep last night. Are you okay?"

"D-don’t worry, Naruto, I’m used to it. You know, since my dad tried to kill You know, I've been having nightmares ever since Dad tried to kill me. I can’t sleep. I don’t remember last time when I fell asleep. Shukaku isn’t much of help. I was hoping that it will fix it, but I have the nightmares more often now. That’s why is Temari and Kankurou so worried about me…"

"I’m sorry, Gaara. I had nightmares for awhile when I learned about my parents death. When Pervy Sage told me everything…"

"I, I didn’t know that. I’m sorry…"

"You don’t have to be sorry! Actually, I am glad that someone understands me. Someone who’s an orphan like me."

"It’s rare, isn’t it?"

"Actually no, my girl… I mean friend is orphan too. Not so long ago, her father died. Right in front of her eyes and there was nothing she could do about it. You know, her father was a bad guy, but she still loved him even though it was him who killed her mother…"

"Woah, she had it hard. I would like to meet her someday. She seems like a strong person to me."

"Yeah, yeah, she’s even taking care of her sister. Her sister is still a kid, so she needs her right now."

"I see. Temari was taking care of me too. She is maybe harsh, but she has a soft side too."

"No way!"

"She showed it only to me and Kankurou."

"I see. So, Gaara, are you going to school?"

"I’m learning from home. Even though I have a job, I want to be educated."

"Wow, you have my respect!"

"R-really? I thought it is normal…"

"No way! A normal person wouldn’t be able to do that! You are really incredible, Gaara!"

"I-I’m glad that you think that. You are the first."

"Heheh, you should believe in yourself more!"

"I do, but it’s hard when everyone in your own city hates you for betraying them."

"Oh, I didn’t thought of it."

"It’s all right. I’m glad that I had the chance to meet you, Naruto. Now my life has some meaning. You made me believe in myself more and in my job."

"No problem!" *ring* *ring* The alarm clock rang.

"Uhh, it’s noisy, dattebayo!"

"It’s time for you to go, Naruto!"

"Oh yeah!"

Meanwhile with Neji

He slept in a room with Kankurou.

"Uhh, he snorted so loud I couldn’t fell asleep…" thought Neji. He woke up earlier and used the bathroom. He brushed his long hair and washed his face.

"It’s 6 am, we should go." He wanted to be home soon. So he start with his plans for this day. He decided to change their mafia’s perspective. So today he has a meeting with Itachi. He wants to offer him something. After a while woke up Kankurou, Gaara, Naruto and Temari. Even Shukaku.

"Eeeh, I want to meet that Kurama fox today! I want to laugh at him all day!"

"I’m sorry, Naruto, I didn’t treat it right-!"

"Oh, Shukaku, you read my mind! Maybe I’ll take you with me if Gaara doesn’t mind!"

"He minds! It’s his partner!" explained Temari.

"Eeeh, what a shame! I wanted to make Kurama angry!"

"I’m sure you will meet it someday, Shukaku!" said Temari.

"Geez, all right!" Temari drove Naruto home. He had to change his clothes first. He couldn’t go to school like that. Then she drove home Neji.

"Thank you, Temari-san."

"Well, Gaara’s friends are always welcomed."

"I’m sorry you had to wake up so early."

"Oh I don’t mind, really! I wanted to meet someone here anyway."

"Is it Shikamaru?"

"W-why would you think that?!" She drove away. Neji was right. She wanted to meet Shikamaru before he went to school. It was so obvious…


I'm sorry if I confused you. No, this story is not finished yet!!! 😉

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