Season 4: Old Acquaintances

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Today was a fairly normal day as usual. And today, Sasuke returned to school. He had never been missing for so long. Sakura wasn't waiting for him in front of the school, so he felt a little relieved. He went to the locker room to change. But unfortunately Sakura was still there.


"Yo Sakura."

"Sasuke-kunnn!" She ran after him to hug him.

"Hey, you are too close!"

"I, I was so worried about you! You've been missing for so long. I was afraid something had happened to you!"

"I doubt it."


"Sakura, we all know that all you care about is appearance and talent. For that, you keep coming for me and not for Naruto."

"That’s not true!"

"I know what you think of Naruto. That he's just a fool who isn't even handsome. Fortunately, there is one person who thinks something else about him, so I respect her for it."

"It’s Hinata, right?"

"I'm sorry, but like I said. I do not date conceited queens."

"T-that’s not like it. What you last told me affected me a lot. I know I didn't behave properly and I decided to undo it! Because of how bad I behaved, I lost everyone. Even you. I decided to change for the better. I'm no longer interested in appearance or talent. The important thing is how others treat me. Hinata was nice to me, even though I had slandered her a lot before. And I made her change. Before, the look, marks and popularity were everything to me. But now I know it doesn't matter as long as I have my friends." Sakura blushed.


"Here, this belongs to you."

"That’s… my diary."

"I’m sorry. I won’t stalk you anymore. I will give you space. Now I will try to get my friends back!" Sakura smiled.

"This is the real Sakura. Her presence is no longer as unpleasant as before. I hope it stays that way and finally stops bothering me," thought Sasuke.

"I-I’m going. First lesson is important. But I’m sure Kakashi-sensei won't arrive until half an hour," Sakura said confidently.

"Yeah, there is no help for him." Sakura said goodbye and left.

"So I didn't expect this." Hinata was already in the class. She was still upset, but she tried to hide it. TenTen noticed, but she didn't want to bother her. Sakura suddenly approached Hinata.


"Hinata, I’m sorry. I didn't act fair, and by hurting Naruto, I hurt you. I'm really sorry for what I did to you…" There were tears in her eyes, so Hinata knew she meant it.

"I would also like to apologize to you. I slapped you and wrote off the two of you completely. I noticed your true intention and didn't hold on."

"D-don’t apologize! I'm the bad one, aren't I? That's why I want to change, but I probably can't do it alone…"

"Sakura, I don't know what you're trying to do here, but leave Hinata alone. You better get along with Ino. You are both the same." TenTen still doesn't trust Sakura or Ino much. She doesn't want to be the naive girl who let herself be deceived by them again.

"TenTen-chan, I feel like you can trust Sakura-chan. She has made a lot of mistakes, but she is still trying to correct them. Everyone deserves a second chance, right?" Hinata smiled at TenTen and Sakura hugged her.

"You are so kind, Hinata! I don’t really deserve you!" said seriously Sakura.

"D-don’t say that! If you want, I'll help you with your change, what about you, TenTen-chan?"

"I… forgive her. But I don't plan to be friends with her. One friend is enough for me."

"Likewise, shannaro!" thought inner Sakura. She never got along with TenTen.

"Hinata, can I ask you something?"

"Of course."

"Could you help me... with Ino? We've been friends since childhood, so I'm afraid she's already mad at me."

"Don’t worry! I’m sure Ino-chan will understand!"

"Thank you, thank you!" Sakura hugged her again. Hinata was really happy with Sakura. It must have been hard to forget all her priorities and think about what is really important.

"But… if you really want me to forgive you, you have to apologize, especially to Naruto-kun. He deserves your apology the most."

"That’s sure thing!" said Sakura and raised her fist.

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