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WHEN FRIDAY CAME AROUND, Ella couldn't help but think of Isis' words. Nothing had happened yet, but with the way the girl smiled at her during class she was sure something would. She hadn't told Levi, because it felt like a dramatic overreaction to, especially when she was perfectly capable of handling her business herself. Besides, this was Will's moment, one she was actually looking forward to.

Class had ended, Ava having pulled her and Mia along to her dorm so they could prepare for the match after. The school had taken care of the transport, large school buses waiting in front. They had two hours until they would depart, which wasn't long enough at all, considering how she had to allow herself to relax after school first before doing things. Still, they got ready in time, Ava putting some coconut oil in her curls as Ella let herself fall on the bed.

"Get up," Ava told her.

"Why?" Ella said, glancing at her friend," we still have thirty minutes to go, I'd like to spend that time recharging."

"I always stop by Will beforehand," she said, leaning forward to the mirror as she applied more lipstick," I'm sure he'd love to see you two as well."

"Are you sure we wouldn't be intruding?" Mia asked, busy putting everything back in the place it had been before they entered the room.

"Don't worry," Ava said," there isn't even anything to intrude upon. Knowing them, Alex and Levi probably have been bickering ever since school ended and Will is jumping around from excitement."

Mia smiled fondly at the thought. "I'm glad Will's feeling better at least, he seemed a bit stressed this week."

Ava's gaze flicked from the mirror to Mia, a hint of surprise in her eyes.

"You can read him well then," she noted," he keeps any negative emotions hidden quite well, to avoid worrying people."

"My parents do the same thing," Mia answered, voice growing a bit softer," it's gotten easier for me to recognize."

Ella wasn't sure whether to ask about the topic or just let it be, but before she even could do anything Mia continued, a faint blush on her cheeks.

"I made it awkward, did I?" she said, an apology already seeming to be on the tip of her tongue.

"Nothing's awkward until you give it the power to be so, babe," Ava confided in her.

"So to answer your question, no," Ella added. She stopped Mia as she passed by to the desk, her hand reassuringly on her wrist. "But in case you want to tell us, we are definitely here to listen."

"You two are too sweet," Mia smiled," it really isn't that big of a deal though. My parents are just both politicians and now they're divorcing, they sent me to uncle Bas. They say it's to protect me, but I would rather have been there to support them now." She stayed silent for a moment, before shaking the thought out of her head. "Anyway, I'm glad I met you all here though!"

Ella got up off bed, to pull Mia in a hug. Comforting people wasn't really her best forte, so she would just resort to Will's ways, because they always seemed to work. Surprisingly Mia's expression did immediately clear up, Ava joining their group hug briefly, taking care so her hair wouldn't be messed up. The smile she had on her face didn't promise much good when she set a step back, Ella watching her suspiciously.

"What evil plan did you just think of?" she said.

"Nothing much," Ava drawled," I just think it would be fun to doll you up even more, Mia. You know, to impress Will when he sees you."

"Impress Will?" Mia stammered, her red ears betraying her," why would I want to impress Will?"

"Why indeed," Ava winked, not prying further as she pulled Mia along to her makeup table.

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