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ELLA WAS TIPSY WITHIN fifteen minutes of arriving at the party. The mansion they were in was quite big and though she was unsure who would allow a bunch of rowdy delinquents inside their house for a party, she didn't care that much. It was crowded inside the spacious living room, the grey and pastel-colored furniture not going to remain unscathed long for sure. A giggle escaped her lips as she leaned against Levi, his arm around her waist as they watched Will throw a pingpoll ball across the table.

As soon as it splashed in one of the cups opposite them Will jumped up in victory, a wide grin on his face. Mia looked ready to congratulate him, standing beside him, but he already lifted her up before she could say anything, swinging her around. A blush had tainted her cheeks, Will immediately putting her down once he noticed, pink dusting his own.

"I'm sorry," he stammered," I got so swept up -"

"No," she said gently," it's fine."

Ella chuckled, turning to Levi, who had already grabbed the cup to down it in her stead.

"What a gentleman you are," she teased as she took the pingpong ball off the table and flicked her hand back.

He glanced at her, raising an eyebrow and leaning forward. She kept the eye contact, a smile tugging at her lips as his golden eyes focused on her. Then, before she could do anything, he stole a kiss, eyes glittering as he straightened his back again.

"What was that for?" she said.

"Good luck," he said easily.

She got ready to throw, but right at that moment a deafening roar resounded throughout the house. Her gaze snapped to the entrance, where a large group of people had come in, all shouting and laughing as they made their way through the living room. People practically jumped back when they neared, Ella simply following them with her gaze as they got closer. Once a few of the people in the front locked eyes with Levi they all quietened down though, their pace more certain now as they headed straight towards him.

"Are they going to fight?" Mia asked, concern coloring her voice.

They stopped in front of Levi then, the situation tensing as everyone watched them closely. Ella already knew what was going to happen before it did though and sure enough, their glares vanished as they all started talking at once again, all of them smiling widely. The face of the guy in front had split in a wide grin as he tried to hug Levi, not being deterred even when Levi held him back with a hand against his shoulder. She hadn't even been worried, the leather jackets they all had been donning having betrayed them to her immediately.

"Levi!" the guy gushed," it's been so long, man, you really should come to our meetings more."

"I could," Levi said," but I don't want to."

"Jake, Nandini!" Will exclaimed," how have you been?"

The girl beside Jake looked up, warmth radiating from her as she nodded at Will. "I heard you won, Will, congrats. It's unfortunate we couldn't have been there."

"I still feel guilty for being the prime reason behind that incident," Jake grimaced, his face clearing up a second after," but we're here now! I'm ready to meet your missus, Levi."

"No one says missus anymore, Jake," Nandini frowned, her melodic voice good-natured. Her eyes flicked to Ella, then to Levi's arm around her waist. "And I think we have found her."

Jake's eyes widened as he finally noticed her, lips parting.

"Oh shit," he said, quickly extending his hand," I'm sorry, I'm such a scatterbrain sometimes. I can't believe I finally met you, Ella, after how much I've heard about you."

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