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"guys..." hyunjae said quietly. "i'm going to confess to sunwoo."

"WHAT?" felix yelled, a huge smile on his face.

"what's all the yelling for?" a sleepy minho asked as he walked out of his room, followed by a sleepy jisung.

"i'm going to confess to sunwoo. today. we're meeting at the park." hyunjae said proudly.

minsung were now wide awake, tackling hyunjae in a hug.

"you got this, do you need a ride to the park?" jisung smiled.

"yes please. we're meeting in half an hour, i'm ready to leave if-"

"let's go. minho, get your shoes and my keys." jisung instructed as he put his shoes on, walking out the door. minho laughed at his boyfriend, doing as instructed.

"minho you don't get to laugh." chan said.

"wha- it's because i'm gay isn't it." minho said as he shook his head.

"wha- no- it's because you said i deserved to stub my toe." chan pouted.

"oh- i'm sorry, i feel bad. you didn't actually deserve it." minho pouted.

"uhhh as fun as this is ladies, we gotta go." hyunjae said as he dragged minho out if the dorm.

they got to jisungs car, met with an impatient jisung standing outside the drivers door. "took you long enough." minho tossed his keys to him, he caught them flawlessly. "let's go virgins."

"jisung did you just-.." minho started but gave up, shaking his head instead.

the drive to the park was full of encouraging words and laughter. the boys had reassured hyunjae that sunwoo would be his.

as soon as hyunjae got out of the car, he spotted sunwoo running to him.

"hyunjae! oh my god!" sunwoo threw himself on the boy, wrapping his arms around him tightly. "oh my god. i had no idea things were so bad. i read the articles. are you okay? i've been so worried!" sunwoo rambled.

"hey, hey, i'm fine." hyunjae said softly as he hugged the boy back.

"i'm so relieved." sunwoo sighed.

"i actually called you here to talk about something. can we go sit?" hyunjae nervously asked.

"yeah of course." sunwoo grabbed his hand, leading him to the bench. "what's up?"

hyunjae took a deep breath before speaking. "i know this might sound weird coming from me but..i really like you. like a lot. as more than a friend. i didn't want to tell you because i thought it was wrong. but my brother assured me love is never wrong."

"hyunjae..." sunwoos eyes welled up with tears. "i liked you from the very beginning. i was drawn to you. even when you were mean to me i still couldn't help but like you. and then you started being nice and we became friends and i felt disappointed. i thought friends is all we'd ever be because you could never love somebody like me. but still all the small touches, all the jokes, all the sweet gestures...i couldn't help but feel warm inside. i'm so glad you like me. i'm so so glad."

"you liked me even when i was mean?" hyunjae asked, earning a nod from sunwoo. "sunwoo...will you...will you be my boyfriend?" hyunjae asked quietly.

sunwoo looked up into hyunjaes eyes. he saw the sincerity and the pure emotion. he saw the genuineness behind his words. "yes. i'd love to."

hyunjae instantly pulled sunwoo into a hug, smiling wider than he ever has before. as they pulled away, they shyly smiled at each other.

"sunwoo...can i kiss you?" hyunjae asked carefully.

"yes." sunwoo answered, leaning in.

hyunjae carefully cupped sunwoos face, planting a gentle kiss onto the boys lips. the boys pulled apart with the most genuine, the most beautiful smiles you'd ever seen.

"do you want a ride home?" hyunjae asked.

"sure! who drove you?" sunwoo asked.

"my brother and his boyfriend."

they approached the car hand in hand, greeted by the sight of jisung and minho making out. jisungs hands were tangled in minhos hair as minhos hands ran along jisungs back.

the two got into the car, buckling up. they couple in front of them paid no mind, continuing to kiss as if the world was ending. hyunjae cleared his throat and the two finally separated.

"hi boys, howd it go?" jisung asked as he ripped himself off of minho.

"jisung hyung, minho hyung...this is my boyfriend, sunwoo." hyunjae introduced.

"hi." sunwoo waved.

"it's nice to meet you! would you like to come over for dinner?" jisung asked.

"i'd love that, thank you!" sunwoo smiled.

"let's go, yeah? i'll just order pizza or something. jisung smiled.

"just a warning, there's six other gay men in our dorm right now. they're all crazy." minho warned.

"i had to deal with hyunjae, i'll be fine!" sunwoo laughed.

a/n: look at you, alive. even when things get tough, you stay. you're here. i'm so proud of you. you're so strong. i love you <3

side note i feel bad for making chan stub his toe, he just wanted to tell me i have a beautiful name 🥺🥺

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