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"are you just gonna stare at jisung like you want to kill him or are you gonna greet them?" chan shoved minhos arm lightly.

"can we just go get something to eat?" minho whined.

"sure, you guys wanna come with us?"

"yeah!" "no it's okay-" jisung and felix answered at the same time.

"it's okay, we have a lot of shopping to do! we'll see you guys later though!" jisung smiled as he quickly pulled his two best friends away.

"ji!" felix frowned.

"don't! don't give me any crap. i came here to relieve stress not waste my time arguing with some asshole about god knows whatever he decided to pick a fight about!"

"he's got a point lixie.." hyunjin said while he looked down.

"yah! you're both against me!"

"no! i really don't feel like dealing with his shit."

"how do you even know he'd pick a fight? he was silent the whole time!"

"lixie have you met him? he literally picks fights over the smallest shit. he once yelled at me for arriving at our dorm late, as if it's his business!"

"fine, fine.  now what are you gonna do about your piercings? and tattoo? your parents are going to kill you."

"oh well." jisung shrugged.

"ITS YOUNG MASTER HAN!" someone suddenly yelled and chan and minho were quick to turn around, wondering what was going on.

"YOUNG MASTER HAN! YOUNG MASTER HAN! OVER HERE!" he was getting cameras shoved in his face, blinded by the flash.

"dude we gotta help young master han, only select people know what he looks like and i guess one of them just exposed his identity." chan panicked and minho nodded, running to find young master han.

"breathe." felix and hyunjin kept quietly reminding jisung as they tried to get away from the mob of people. "assholes."

"look, there's the crowd!" minho pointed. "man those reporters are loud as fuck! we heard them all the way over there!"

"cmon! i wanna know what young master han looks like!" chan rushed and minho nodded. "but of course let's get them away from him."


"get away from young master han or my family will sue you. they're allied with the han family." minho stated simply, making everyone freeze and look at him.

"want to get sued by THE lee family? or will you leave young master han alone?"

everyone hurried away, terrified of the boys family. "wheres young master han?" chan asked and one of the reporters pointed to jisung.

"n-no way..." chan breathed out as he saw 'young master han' taking deep breaths and plastering a big smile on his face.

"are you okay?" felix asked gently.

"yeah, i'm fine!" jisung smiled brightly.

chan and minho slowly approached the three boys, surprised. "you're young master han?" chan asked.

"well i guess everyone will find out now." jisung once again, smiled brightly.

"han jisung, i asked if you're okay!" felix grabbed his face. "don't plaster on that fake smile, please! allow yourself to feel whatever you're feeling!"

"t-they're gonna kill me, lix...i thought my dad trying to strangle me was bad? he's gonna have a gun ready at the next family dinner. or possibly sooner." jisungs lips quivered as he started to cry.

"oh sungie..."

"n-no! it's okay! really, it's fine."

"jisung...did you say your dad tried to strangle you?" chan asked, extremely worried for the boys safety. jisung just nodded. "you need to get out of there."

"i can't! they're too..powerful! anyways, i'm fine."

"here's your emergency makeup bag.." hyunjin handed the bag to him and he walked to the bathroom.


as he finished taking off the makeup that was now ruined, the door opened. "i'm back." the boy smiled.

"what do you want jaemin?"

"did you enjoy your little gift from me? now everyone knows how much of a disappointment young master han is." jaemin walked over to jisung and caressed his cheek.

"don't fucking touch me. why would you do that to me?"

"be my boyfriend again..." jaemin now wrapped his arms around jisungs waist.

"never..i would never get back with you." jisung grabbed jaemins hands and pushed them off him.

"i wasn't asking. i was telling you to."

"no! i refuse! fuck you." jisung was scared and uncomfortable and it showed. he was beginning to shake.

"i mean, i can." jaemin smirked as he grabbed jisungs ass.

"don't TOUCH ME!"

"why can't i touch what's mine?"


"don't raise your voice at me love bug." jaemin turned jisung around and pinned him to the wall.

"GET OFF!" jisung yelled but jaemin only held tighter. jisung kneed him in the stomach, grabbing his bag and leaving. he hurried over to the four boys who were talking, still visibly shaking.

⚠️end tw⚠️

"sungie? what happened?"

"l-let's go home. please. i'll just shop online."

"sungie what-?"

"please i don't want to talk about it right now. please. i'm begging you. take me home and leave. i need to be alone."

"okay, yeah let's go."  the three boys walked away with jisung quickly, leaving minho and chan alone.

"what do you think happened?" chan asked.

"i don't know. don't care." minho shrugged.

"so you wouldn't care if something really bad happened to him?"

"i-" minho stopped. "let's just continue shopping." minho walked away and chan laughed to himself.

jisung was now laying in his bed, enjoying the silence. he put his headphones in so he didn't hear when minho entered the dorm. minho decided to keep his distance and continue to do his thing.

jisung felt at peace..until he got a phone call...

a/n: i'm never sleeping again. i had a dream that i was felixs older sister and i guess he was dying or something???but we were jumping around and having fun and then we laid in bed cuddling. i was talking to him and then i was crying and he died in my arms.

i had another dream that hyunjin killed himself and both those dreams were really scary. i woke up crying, i'm never sleeping again.

and they were roommates || minsungWhere stories live. Discover now