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"i-i brought you some breakfast.." jisung said as he walked back into his dorm, seeing minho sitting on the couch.

"why?" minho gave him a dirty look, looking back at his phone.

"i-i tho-ought we could eat together...become friends." jisungs voice trailed off as he felt smaller and smaller in the presence of the elder.

"well you thought wrong." minho scoffed.

"why not?" jisung frowned.

"why would i become friends with someone like..you." minho gave a disgusted look, making jisung feel worse and worse about himself by the second.

"y-yeah good question. well, i'll be off then!" jisung quickly pulled a smile to his face, walking into the kitchen. he set the bags down, walking to the room. he climbed back into bed, burying himself in his blankets.

minho left his dorm, going to see chan and changbin. he walked into the dorm, throwing himself onto the couch. "ugh my roommate is unbearable!" he groaned.

changbin slapped him hard on his thigh, "don't fucking dare talk shit about jisung. i will end your bloodline bitch."

"but he's so-"

"so what?" changbin cut him off. "you don't even know shit about him, so don't try to criticize him!"

"damn why are you so mad?"

"because that's my little fucking cousin you're talking about, and other reasons that are none of your business."

"okay whatever." minho rolled his eyes.

"uh..i think i'm gonna invite jisung out, to get to know him better." chan said as the air was tense.

"don't!" both the boys screamed.

"he's annoying." minho stated.

"he's not good with new people." changbin reasoned.

"he seemed fine around me." minho scoffed.

"he doesn't show it but he really doesn't do well, stop acting like you know him better when he's my fucking cousin. i've been there for him since day one, and you don't know shit about him."

"i know he's annoying, and a try hard."

"i'm out." changbin said, taking his phone out as he walked to the door. he froze in his place when he realized he accidentally called jisung. they'd been on the call for the past ten minutes. changbin rushed over to jisungs dorm, letting himself in and quickly running to the boy.

"jisung! jisung oh my god." the said boy was laying on his bed, sobbing. he was wheezing, unable to breathe. "jisung relax. it's me, binnie!" jisung kept wheezing, still having difficulty breathing.

changbin rushed back into his dorm, grabbing the inhaler out of his drawer. i knew i should keep one on me! he thought to himself. he knew how jisung would get and he was prepared for the worst possible scenario, and this wasn't even it. chan and minho looked at changbin questioningly, following him out to see what was going on.

when changbin arrived, jisung was still laying there, struggling to breathe. "hey, i'm here sungie. here, inhaler." he said. jisung took the inhaler and slowly, his breathing regulated.

"oh my god jisungie are you okay?" changbin asked as he pulled jisung into a hug.

"haha yeah i'm fine!" jisung wiped his face and smiled brightly, he noticed the two other boys standing there.

"i know you want alone time. keep your inhaler within reach okay?" changbin smiled softly.

jisung just nodded and minho ushered the two boys out of the room.

"what the hell just happened?" chan questioned.

"he just wants attention. he always seems to want attention." minho rolled his eyes.

changbin snapped, punching the older boy in the face.

"changbin what the fuck!?" minho yelled.

"don't fucking talk about him! don't fucking assume he wants attention when he hates attention! just shut the fuck up!" changbin yelled.

minho walked off, probably to the rooftop.

"hey, are you good?" chan soflty pulled changbin into a hug.

"there's so much i can't tell tou about because it's not my place to..i'm so worried about him." changbin let himself cry on chans shoulder.

"hey, he'll be okay. i have faith in him." chan reassured changbin.

"i- yeah. thank you."

"anytime mate, let's go get some breakfast."

jisung sat in his bed, staring out at nothing. eventually, he got up to go to the bathroom. he walked slowly, moving as if he were a zombie. he locked the door and turned to the mirror, flinching as he saw his appearance.

took his shirt off and revealed all the cuts and bruises. his dark circles were horrible, as were his eye bags. he had tear stains on his cheeks, and his eyes were red and puffy. annoying, try hard, slut, bitch, faggot, disappointment.

he made sure to drag the silver blade across his pretty thighs high enough to where no cuts would be visible in a skirt, all the way up his hips. he quickly stopped, redressing himself as he heard the dorm room door open.

"hi hyung!" jisung smiled and bowed as minho walked through the living room to their room.

"leave me alone."

a/n: this is shorter than i wanted it to be but i'm half asleep rn.

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