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wedding day 👰👰💐👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨

"breathe ji." felix commanded.

"trust me, you're fine." hyunjin reassured him.

"you're the most beautiful groom ever." hyunjae smiled.

"trust me, he's so in love with you!" sunwoo added.


"do i need to get minho?" sunwoo asked.


"where the hell did you hear that from?" sunwoo laughed.

"i don't know some american website.."

"okay well your groom is about to be waiting for you at the altar. let's go drama queen." sunwoo shook his head.

"jisung, come on!" minhos mother stood there, smiling as he looked at the boy.

"how's minho?" jisung asked.

"he's nervous." mrs. lee laughed.

"okay, you'll kill it. see you out there ji!" felix smiled.

the boys yelled words of encouragement to jisung as they left, going to wait with minho at the altar.

jisung nervously walked out, waiting for the music to play for his grand entrance. he didn't have a mother or father to walk him down the aisle as you traditionally would so, he had hyunjae walk him.

he stood in his spot, hooking arms with hyunjae. the music started playing as the two slowly made there way down the aisle. jisung could see minhos eyes well up with tears, smiling as he adored his husband.

hyunjae bowed to minho as he let go of jisungs arm. he gave his brother a reassuring smile as he went to his seat.

they had mr. bang marry them, as requested by chan. he seemed to speak forever about something neither of the two boys seemed to pay attention to. they were lost in the galaxies of each other's eyes, mesmerized by the stars that shone brightly.

"minho, would you like to say your vows?"

"han jisung. thank you. thank you for the best years of my life. i've made my best memories with you and i wouldn't have it any other way. i didn't expect to fall in love with you when you walked into our college dorm all those years ago. but i regret nothing. every time i look at you i fall in love all over again. i love you so much han jisung."

"jisung, your vows?"

"lee minho. thank you. thank you for taking care of me when i needed it. thank you for seeing past the mask that i put up. thank you for being the first person i trusted with...a lot. thank you for helping me make the best memories. i hope it will always be our memories and that you never become just a memory. you met me when i was hopeless. and you loved me nonetheless. you loved me for every part of me and for that i'm so thankful. i love you so much lee minho."

after more talking and exchanging "i do", they finally put their rings on. "you may now kiss the groom."

the boys lips connected in the most energetic and passionate kiss theyve ever shared. the kiss was slow, and full of love. they poured all their emotions into it.

everyone erupted in cheers, genuinely happy for the couple. the song 'never ending story' that the boys had made began to play as minho took jisungs hand. they moved to the center of the room and began to slow dance.

jisung smiled as he looked up at the love of his life. he was met with an equally wide smile and sparkly eyes. they allowed themselves to get lost in each other's eyes again as they slowly danced.

the boys softly sang together as they danced. even if all eyes were on them, it felt as if they were the only people on earth. nothing else mattered because right then, right there, they were in each other's arms. they were dancing and softly singing to each other. they were together.

they were in love and that's all that mattered to them. the world didnt exist. it wasn't complete without the other. with the absence of one came emptiness. they were so young and in love. that's all that mattered.

"historians will say they were roommates." felix smiled.

"and they were roommates!" hyunjin laughed.

"oh my god they were roommates." felix completed.

minho and jisung continued to softly sing as they danced, ending the song with a soft kiss.

never say goodbye
because we are one
because we will walk together in the same dream
continue smiling by my side just like this moment
longer than tomorrow, father than eternity
i love you.


a/n: it's over 🥺🥺 thank you guys so much for reading, i hope you enjoyed it 🥺 i love you all and i'm so proud of you 💗

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