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it's now friday, three in the afternoon. the roommates have been avoiding each other as minho hates jisung, and jisung doesn't want to fuck up and is blaming himself.

jisung is sitting on his bed when his mom calls him. "hi mom."

"han jisung, there's a family dinner tonight. you will be there."

"is this an every friday night thing?"

"yes, don't get an attitude faggot."

"i'm sorry mom. i'll be there."

and with that, jisungs mom hung up. he quickly jumped out of bed, going to take a shower. he didn't bother putting on any makeup, quickly drying his hair. he went to his closet and put on his suit, trying to stay out of trouble tonight.

jisung rushed around to get his keys, wallet, and his phone. as he opened the door, he crashed into his roommate who was on the other side. both boys fell back, one panicking and one getting angry.

"yah what the hell!" jisung flinched as minho yelled. "watch where the fuck you're going!"

"i-i'm sorry hyung. i need to go now."

"thank god, get out of my sight. poor piece of shit."

jisung ignored the tears that began falling as he walked to his car. he started his car and drove off. when he arrived his family was already seated at the table, dinner was almost done cooking.

"jisung." sangook called him, standing up as jisung entered.

"yes father?"

"come here."

"yes sir." jisung walked towards his father.

"you're a worthless piece of shit. you fucking faggot. your kind disgusts me." he spat as he slapped jisung across the face. "WHY THE FUCK CANT YOU BE NORMAL?"

jisung tried to hold back his tears, but failed. this resulted in jisung getting hit more, and harder. sangook took his belt off and began beating jisung.

"go sit." sangook commanded and jisung shakily walked to his seat. he quickly wiped his face as the food was brought out and served to them.

"so, let's discuss hyunjae taking over the company. since the oldest is a faggot, he's not getting the company."

"what about me?" jieun looked offended.

"what about you? you're the youngest. and plus you're a girl, you're in no shape to run my company." sangook spat.

"excuse me? what the fuck? just because i'm a woman? i cant help that i'm a woman!"

"and I CANT HELP THAT IM GAY. YOU ALL ACT LIKE YOU HAVE IT SO HARD! EVERYTHING YOU WANT IS HANDED TO YOU, ALL YOUR PROBLEMS DISAPPEAR THANKS TO MONEY! i'm not saying you don't have emotions..we all have our hard times. but you all just sit here and play the victim when i can't even see my own fucking family without fearing FOR MY LIFE! I DONT GIVE A SHIT ABOUT YOUR STUPID FUCKING COMPANY! I DIDNT WANT TO TAKE IT OVER! i don't know why it hurts so bad that you wouldn't even let me if i wanted to, just because i'm gay. i cant fucking help who i love. i cant fucking control that, and you all sit here and act like i do it just to ruin YOUR PRECIOUS FUCKING COMPANY! STOP ACTING LIKE YOU HAVE A HARD LIFE BECAUSE YOU DONT JIEUN! you have mom and dads love, that's more than me. i could have all the money in the world, but it wouldn't matter. my own fucking family HATES ME. you guys hate my guts. you constantly abuse me and bring me down. don't act like you have a tough life jieun. if someone tried to lay a finger on you, mom and dad would have it handled like that. be it with money or a hit man, they'd have it handled. someone could try to MURDER ME AND THEY WOULDNT EVEN BAT A FUCKING EYE. STOP ACTING LIKE LIFE IS TOUGH FOR YOU!" jisung finally had enough and lashed out. he knew he'd regret it, but he was done.

everyone sat there in shock until sangook finally got up. he got up and pushed jisung out of his chair. he dragged him to the ground. he sat on jisungs chest, a tight grip around his throat. he squeezed jisungs throat harder and harder while jisungs hands grasped at his. jisung was fighting, but sangook was too strong.

"dad you're gonna kill him!" jieun stood up, trying to push sangook off. sangook got off, taking his belt off once again. jisung laid there, catching his breath, but soon yelled in pain as sangook started beating him. no one said a word as jisung was screaming in pain.

the belt kept coming in contact with his skin as he wanted nothing more than to leave. and so he tried. jisung found the strength to get up, trying to run for the door. he was pushed against the wall as
sangook was choking him once more. this time, jisung kicked sangook in the balls, making him double over.

jisung took this as a chance, pushing sangook off him and leaving. as soon as he got to his car, he locked the doors. he saw his mother walking out the front door and sped off. he sped all the way back to the dorm, limping as he ran back to his dorm.

he returned to minho sitting on the couch watching tv. he took off his shoes and he walked through, taking his tie off. he felt as if he was suffocating. he threw his suit jacket on the floor as he walked to the bathroom. he quickly shut the door and locked it. he stripped and grabbed his blade. he didn't stop after cutting up his hips.

he was unsatisfied, looking in the mirror. he dragged the blade across his wrists, feeling a different sensation from when he slices his hips. he couldn't stop himself and kept going. he dragged the silver blade all over both his pretty arms as he sobbed.

he stopped, staring in the mirror. bruises began forming all over his body, and his neck. he slowly redressed enough to be able to go to his room, unlocking the door. he walked out, feeling lifeless.

he put on his biggest hoodie and some sweat pants, feeling the sting on his fresh cuts as he pulled the soft fabric over them. he walked out and to the kitchen, finding the secret stash of alcohol he kept hidden from his two best friends.

a/n: i love you all. <3

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