M-28: A Hero, Forevermore

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M-28: A Hero Forevermore

"Well, as satisfying as it was to watch Adam finally defeat Sleet, I must point out that the ending was rather abrupt," Ozpin commented.

"Yeah, he kills Sleet, and then the episode just stopped!" Ruby realized. She turned towards the projector's booth expectantly. "Adam's story isn't over just yet, is it?"

"No, it's not," Abe confirmed, shaking his head. "There's one more episode. An epilogue, if you will. It's basically to show what happened to Adam after he defeated Sleet."

"Well, what are you waiting for?!" Nora demanded. "Put it on!" Abe chuckled.

"As you wish." The lights in the theater dimmed, and the audience became quiet, waiting to see the grand finale of Adam's epic legend.

The episode began with a black screen, which was quickly filled with some words.


The scene then changed to show a woman running through the dark streets of a city, occasionally looking behind her with wide, panicked eyes. Seeing a nearby alleyway in front of her, the woman darted into it, hoping to escape from whatever she was running from.

"Horror movie 101: NEVER try taking a shortcut through an alleyway. It will be a dead end, and you will die," Mercury shook his head.

"Uh, is this still Adam's story?" Emerald asked, more than a little confused.

The woman continued to run through the alley, until, to her horror, she came to a large brick wall that completely blocked her path. She pressed up against the wall, trying in vain to find a grip to climb over it, until a shadow suddenly loomed over her. Slowly, she turned around and screamed.

Standing before her was the silhouette of a man wearing a large poncho and oversized sombrero, a giant carving knife in his left hand. No facial features were visible, but a familiar feline tail flicked eagerly behind the figure. The woman let out another scream as the man lifted his knife, and plunged it downwards. The camera cut back to the wall in the alleyway, as an over excessive amount of blood splashed upon it. The screen faded to black. Then, out of the darkness, words appeared.


The scene changed to show the inside of a mostly empty movie theater, where Adam, Sienna, Clover, Ilia, and an unfamiliar woman with blue eyes, grayish-blue hair, and strange gray veins in a black dress, were seated, the chameleon Faunus sitting next to the new lady.

"Hey, I know that woman," Adam announced. "Trifa, I believe her name is."

"I remember seeing her around," Blake realized. "What's she doing there, though?" Then her eyes went wide. "Wait, could she be-"

"Well, I can see already that the book will be the better adaptation. Wouldn't you agree, honey?" Trifa chuckled, taking Ilia's hand in her own. The two women were wearing a matching pair of rings.

"Oooooh! It's just too cute!" Kali squealed, bouncing in her seat joyfully. "Little Amitola's all grown up!"

"Kali, please," Ghira sighed though he looked surprisingly proud himself.

Ilia looked rather unpleased.

"Unbelievable," she griped. "After all Adam's gone through, the most recognition he gets is a cheesy slasher movie based on a misunderstanding in Argus!" Adam chuckled as he calmly sipped from a bottle of soda.

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