Mission 22: Legendary Battle

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MISSION 22: Legendary Battle

The lights dimmed, and the audience fell silent. This was it. Jaune and Mundus were about to confront each other at last. There were still some questions lingering on everyone's minds. Why did Mundus lure Jaune onto the island to begin with? Did the King of Grimm truly kill the Brother Gods? What happened to Trish? Why does Jaune keep taking the appearance of his ancestor, Ozma? The projector turned on, and they knew their questions were about to be answered.

The episode started with Jaune standing in a large throne room. To his utter surprise, everything was made of marble, and a bright light shone throughout the King of Grimm's lair. Taking a deep breath, the Huntsman continued forward, approaching another statue of Mundus. This idol of the King of Grimm was the biggest yet, easily the size of a large building just sitting down. The statue lounged in a giant throne, which was made of marble, just as everything else was. The skulls of two dragons adorned the armrests of the King of Grimm's seat, which the statue's fingers were curled around, as though in the act of caressing the morbid decorations.

When Ozpin saw the skulls, his eyes became very wide, as he recognized the two dragons by their horns and antlers.

"Dear gods," he whispered, his very breath ragged with fear and surprise, "What has Mundus done?!"

Jaune made his way up to the statue, looking up at the King of Grimm's face, watching as the black gem embedded in its forehead glinted as light reflected off of it. There was a quiet noise, as though wind was rushing throughout the throne room, and then, a voice filled the air.

"Again, I must face an Ozma," Mundus crooned, the statue's eyes seeming to look down upon Jaune with contempt. "Strange fate, isn't it?"

"Oh gods, Mundus is really here!" Ruby whimpered. "I was hoping that statue would just be another idol of him!"

"You and me both," Yang told her in a small voice.

"Strange and ironic that it will end the same way!" Jaune challenged the King of Grimm, his voice echoing throughout the throne room.

"But can it really?" Pyrrha asked quietly, her heart pounding for all to hear. "Mundus is the King of Grimm! He's a virtual god!"

"Jaune's never let us down before," Ren pointed out.

"Yeah!" Nora nodded. "He's fought and defeated a godlike entity before, surely he can do it again!"

"Heh, heh, heh," Mundus chuckled, disregarding Jaune's threat. "Irony has favored you, this time." The gem embedded in his forehead began to focus a bright column of light on the wall above the entrance. "Look." Confused, the Huntsman turned around and gasped. Just over the doorway was a familiar red-haired woman, who was shackled to the wall by her wrists.


"What?" Velvet gasped, confused and shocked by this revelation.

"Mundus didn't kill her?" Coco asked, surprised. "Then what is he using her for?"

Jaune took a step forward, preparing to rush to Trish's aid. 

"Don't even think about it," Mundus told him flatly. "Blink, she dies." Enraged, the Huntsman whirled around to face the King of Grimm.

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