Mission 2: Judge of Death

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As Abe set up the next episode, the audience talked amongst themselves.

"I wonder what the new weapon Abe mentioned is going to be," Yang rubbed her chin thoughtfully.

"Ooh, ooh!" Ruby fidgeted in her seat. "Maybe it will be a flail that doubles as a grappling hook!"

"How about a maul that lets out combustive blasts when it hits something?" Nora grinned. "Then Jaune and I can be the hammer twins!"

"Perhaps a lance that doubles as a rocket launcher?" Ren suggested. Meanwhile, the adults were discussing a more serious matter.

"I don't like it," Ms. Goodwitch whispered. "The absence of Salem in this world makes me feel like Mundus is much more powerful than we give him credit for." She turned to Ozpin, who shook his head.

"While this... Trish woman is convinced that Mundus is King of the Grimm, I can assure you that he was only a man. I've met several people over the years-most of them obviously insane-who claimed to have power over Grimm, but they were nothing more than frauds."

"I don't know, Oz," Qrow grunted. "Every legend out there has to start from something. Maybe this Mundus really is King of the Grimm in this world."

"Who can say?" Ghira shrugged. "But Trish believes it. And this Jaune fellow seems to be taking it pretty seriously. That's got to mean something." Just then, the projector turned back on.

"Quiet!" Kali put a finger to her lips. "It's starting!"

The episode began with Jaune Arc stepping into a long, curving hallway. Pillars lined several of the walls around him, with grand paintings rested in between. There was a door directly in front of him, so he opened it and poked his head inside. There was yet another study in this room, although this one curiously had a smaller copy of the handsome man in the central room of the tower, clutching a stone book in his hands. Jaune shrugged as he closed the door, and began to make his way down the long hallway. About halfway through, he spied a pair of double doors off to his left. He went to open them, but they were locked. As he prepared to back up and kick and the doors, suddenly, he put a hand to his heart.

"What's this overwhelming sensation?" Jaune whispered. Turning away from the door, Jaune walked to the end of the hallway, up a small flight of stairs, and into a narrow corridor. Another door stood before him, but it was what was to his right that caught his attention. On the right side of the corridor, underneath a small skylight, was a sculpture of a robed and hooded woman. Her face was contorted in agony, and her hands clutched at her chest, where a large sword with a winged hilt was embedded.

"That's a creepy statue," Velvet shuddered.

"I know, right?" Sun cringed. "Who in their right mind would craft such a thing?"

"Well, it fits with the creepy atmosphere," Mercury admitted. Then he shook his head. "I still don't like it, though."

Jaune stepped closer to the statue to examine it. As soon as he was under the skylight, however, strange whispering noises began to echo from the sword.

"Wait! Is that sword... alive?!" Tai demanded.

"I think... it might be!" Cinder gulped.

Jaune's eyes widened in surprise as a soft, masculine voice echoed from the sword.

"I am Alastor," the sword greeted the Huntsman. "The weak shall give their heart and swear their eternal loyalty to me." Immediately after it finished speaking, the sculpture of the writhing woman faded away, leaving behind a wall with the inscription of a cloaked skeleton with six arms in its place.

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