Mission 5: Guiding of the Soul

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Whistling, Abe put the next reel of film into the projector, and flipped it on. The audience settled down to watch as the next episode started to play.

The episode began with Jaune bracing himself against the side of the castle, still recovering from his fight with Myrmidon.

"Man," Jaune groaned, pushing himself up onto his feet, "that guy hits like a truck!" He put a hand to his chest as he leaned on the railing of the castle wall, looking out over the grassy arena where he and the Grimm had fought. "It's strange, but I can't help but feel I've fought against him before," the Huntsman mused. "And why did he run away when he saw my wedding ring?"

"It looks like Jaune's just as confused as us," Ruby hummed.

"That's a shame, I was hoping he might have an idea as to why the Myrmidon fled," Weiss sighed.

"Yeah, well I think Fearless Leader has more pressing to attend to," Nora stated. "He got that glowing ball for a reason, so what does he do with it?"

Jaune groaned as he placed his hands into his trench coat pockets, then flinched. He turned the pockets inside out, but they were empty.

"The soul!" the Huntsman started, panicking. "It's gone!"

"What?! But where could it have gone?" Yang demanded.

"Maybe Myrmidon pickpocketed Jaune during the fight," Emerald suggested.

"No, I don't think that's it," Mercury shook his head. "That Grimm Knight may have no qualms about killing Jaune, but he didn't seem like the kind of guy to stoop that low."

"Mercury has a point," Coco nodded. "He may be a Grimm, but Myrmidon was downright chivalrous about his fight with Jaune. Besides, we didn't even see him do it, and that heavy armor of his should slow him down at least somewhat."

"So then where did it go?" Velvet wondered.

Jaune spun in a circle, looking around on the ground nearby for the orb, but there was no sign of it.

"It must've fallen out when that Grimm and I were fighting earlier," he deduced. The Huntsman retraced his steps, making his way down to the lower wall, and then across the lower wall, before dropping down onto the grass. Then, he swept his away across the arena, carefully sweeping the ground for his orb. "Aha!" Jaune cheered finally. There, next to the fountain lay the orb, though it had lost its orange glow for earlier. "I thought lost you there for a moment," he sighed in relief.

"Well, that's a relief," Qrow grunted. "Kid could've been in real trouble if that thing was gone."

"Indeed," Ms. Goodwitch nodded. Then she did a double take. "However, it appears that the orb has lost its glow. I would assume that means something is wrong with it, wouldn't you?"

"Looks like you've lost your juice," Jaune grimaced, stooping to pick the orb up. "I wonder how I'm supposed to restore your power?" Just then, some snarling and growls snapped the Huntsman out of his brooding.

He spun around to see a trio of Sabyrs behind him, two already crouching down on the grass, while a third sat perched on the castle wall above him. "More of you, huh?" Jaune growled. "Well, I guess I've got some time to kill."

"Careful, Jaune," Ozpin warned. "Sabyrs may not be too challenging alone, but a pack can prove tricky for a solo Huntsman, like yourself."

The two Sabyrs lunged at Jaune, who drew Alastor as he maneuvered among them, forcing them to leap aside as the large blade slashed at them. As the two Sabyrs landed behind him, the third Grimm leapt off the castle wall, descending towards the Huntsman at an alarming rate. Quickly thinking, Jaune swung his sword upwards, bisecting the Sabyr as it fell upon his sword. The Grimm collapsed in two halves around him, bursting into smoke a moment later. That still left two other Sabyrs, however, who immediately roared, and charged the Huntsman. Jaune rolled under one of the Grimm's lunges, then tossed Alastor at the other. The first Sabyr circled back around, reading up on its hind legs to swipe at him with its claws. The Huntsman grabbed the Grimm, grappling with the beast until Alastor returned to his hands. Then, with one swing of his sword, Jaune separated the Sabyr's head from its shoulders. The final Grimm hissed, and rushed forward, only to find the twin barrel's of the Huntsman's shotgun jammed into its face.

"Bingo," Jaune smirked. The firearm discharged, and the Sabyr burst into smoke.

"Alright!" Ruby cheered. "Jaune showed those cats who's boss!"

"Yes, but he still needs a way to restore the orb's power," Blake reminded her. "He's not out of this yet."

Jaune made his way up the castle walls, following the path he followed when he fought Myrmidon, and back into the castellan's bedroom.

"So you're supposed to be a soul," he muttered. "How would I restore power to you?" The Huntsman paced about the bedroom, pondering for a few moments. Then, his face lit up. "Wait! I remember now!" Moving quickly, Jaune made his way out of the bedroom, walking down the staircase, until he reached the lion engraved door. He opened it and headed outside.

"So where is he heading?" Cinder asked confused. There was a grunt of realization from a Ghira.

"Of course!" he realized. "Didn't that weird statue from episode two say 'This is where the guiding souls gather,' or some such engraving?"

"I believe it did!" Kali realized. Then she smiled. "So that's where Jaune's going!"

Jaune made his way around the wrap around balcony until he made it to the double doors. Entering the curving corridor, the Huntsman made his way to the headless, chained statue, where the stone slab waited with its orifice, which now had light shining from within it. Jaune inserted the orb into the orifice, and watched as it slowing began to glow with a warm, orange light.

"Cool!" Yang grinned. "So now he just makes his way down to that other lion door, right?"

"I believe so," Weiss nodded.

Jaune smiled, picking up the orb and making his way back through the corridor. He exited the hallway, heading back outside, before reentering the stairwell room. He looked down at the floor at the bottom of the stairwell, still inaccessible due to the rubble blocking his path.

"The last time I went down there, I hurt myself by jumping," the Huntsman mused. "I do still have some Aura, but I'd like to conserve as much as possible. Who knows when I'll run into Tyrian or that Black Knight again." Jaune thought for a couple more seconds, then chuckled. "I should've done this the first time!" he realized. Focusing, his skin turned inky black as he went into his Grimm Trigger, his bat-like wings emerging from behind him. The Grimm Huntsman leaped over the railing, his wings spreading open to slow his descent, acting like a parachute.

"Hey, that's right!" Nora realized. "Why doesn't Jaune use his Grimm form more often?"

"I don't think he's still entirely comfortable with that ability yet, Nora," Ren told her.

Jaune landed on the ground, reverting back to his human form. He approached the lion door, and inserted the orb into the door's orifice. There was a clicking sound as the door unlocked.

"And so, we move onwards," Jaune commented. The episode ended.

"Over already?!" Ruby whined.

"This episode did seem rather short," Pyrrha agreed.

"Yeah, sorry about that," Abe called. "I actually lengthened it to be longer than it would've been otherwise. But don't worry, the next episode will be longer. And better."

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