M-08: Into the Ring

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M-08: Into the Ring

As Abe fiddled with his projector, preparing to put on the next episode, a thought suddenly occurred to him.

Hey, wasn't the last chapter a Bonus Mission? he recalled. That means there's going to be some new additions to the audience! He quickly inserted the next reel of film into the projector, then burst from his booth to rush to the front of the stage, preparing to greet the new arrivals. He made pretty decent time to, aided by a sudden stumble that sent him crashing down the theater room staircase, much to the audience's amusement.

"You okay, Abe?" Sun chuckled, attempting to hide it as a cough. Abe stood up, shaking his head and dusting his clothes off, before nodding.

"Yeah, just fine. Just an unexpected tumble, that's all."

"Whatever were you in such a hurry about?" Penny asked, scanning him for any sign of injury.

"Well, it wouldn't be very polite of me to let our new audience members join without giving them any context, would it?" Abe pointed out, as a purple portal opened up behind him. "Speaking of which..." Two people entered the theater, causing a certain pair of sisters to stiffen in surprise.

"To think that there really are other worlds out there," a white-haired woman hiccuped, swaying slightly as she studied the room, a half-empty bottle of wine in her hands. "Or this may be just another one of my hallucinations."

"Mother, please," a younger teen, around the same age as Ruby, sighed. "You could least try to act sober in public."

"M-Mother? Whitley?!" Weiss spluttered. "What are you two doing here?!"

"Hello, dear," Willow Schnee smiled, stumbling forward to wrap her free hand around her daughter affectionately. "So good to see you're doing well."

"Why have you two come here?" Winter demanded, rising from her seat. "Do you have any idea how dangerous a tear between dimensions can be?"

"Evidently, not so dangerous, seeing how many other people made it through unharmed," Whitley commented, spreading his arms to gesture to the audience.

"Kid's got you there, Ice Queen," Qrow commented, earning him a frosty glare from the Specialist.

"This appears to be a theater of some kind," Mrs. Schnee determined, finally regaining her bearings. "Have you been watching movies in here?"

"Nope! We've been watching something even better: TV shows about our world!" Nora grinned. "Right now, Adam Taurus is in the middle of massacring a rogue branch of the Atlas military."

"Adam Taurus?" the youngest Schnee sibling tilted his head. "Isn't he the one responsible for that attack on one of our company's cargo trains a few months back?" The bull Faunus shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

"Perhaps," Blake murmured warily.

"Well, I've certainly had stranger dreams than this," Willow shrugged, slowly making her way up the stairs to sit with the adults. "I'd love to see this television show of yours."

"You still haven't answered our question!" Weiss whined out.

"Imagine our surprise, sister dear, when we receive a call from Headmaster Ozpin that a wormhole to another dimension has opened up in Beacon Academy pulling your entire team into a new reality," Whitley crooned, standing in front of his elder sister, arms crossed. "Father was too busy to come down himself, so he sent mother and I to come back here and bring you safely back to Atlas." With his explanation finished, the youngest Schnee sibling promptly sat down in a seat next to Blake. "What he doesn't know is, we're never coming back."

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