Mission 19: Enter the Corrupted World

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"Come on, come on," Ruby whined, tapping her foot impatiently. "How long is it going to be before Jaune enters the Grimm World?!"

"Not long at all, actually," Abe told her. "In fact, he enters their domain in this very episode."

"I'm not sure if I should be happy about that," Yang mused, as the lights slowly began to dim.

"You shouldn't," Ozpin assured her.

The episode began with Jaune standing in front of the brazier that had supplied him with Elixir. An image appeared before him, showing the inside of the top of a tall tower. Stepping into this, the Huntsman found himself back inside the tower that had led him to the Elixir to begin with. He backtracked down the tower, eventually finding himself back in the room he had been teleported to. In front of him was another image, this one displaying the floating platform inscribed with the Staff of Hermes.

"Okay, I warp back there, and then head for the castellan's bedroom," Jaune said determinedly. He stepped into the image, teleporting back to the lonely floating platform. An image of the castellan's bedroom awaited him, so he stepped through, finding himself standing in front of the large mirror that Myrmidon had emerged from.

"There's the mirror," Weiss stated, a small frown upon her face. "Now what does he do?"

"So, within you lies the second key to the Grimm World, huh?" Jaune mused. "Time to fact check that theory." He pulled out the Elixir, presenting it before the mirror. There was a brief shimmer from the blue stone, then the surface of the mirror began to ripple like water. The Huntsman raised an eyebrow. "Guess that answers that question, then." He stepped towards the mirror, and then phased through the reflective glass. When he emerged on the other side, he found himself standing in the castellan's bedroom, but everything had been inverted.

"Whoa, it's like some sort of... mirror dimension!" Nora gasped in awe.

"You don't say," Ren said wryly, smiling at his partner's antics.

Looking around, Jaune noticed the doorway to the outside balcony in this parallel realm was cracked open. He pushed the twin doors open, and looked outside. The sky was a murky red color, and the ground below was all cobblestone, no grass in sight. Instead of a fountain, a single stone pillar rested in the middle of the courtyard, upon which rested a strange object. Leaping off the balcony, the Huntsman approached the pillar, finding the object on display to be a stone carved into a geometric shape, with strange runes on each face of the stone.

"It kind of looks like an oversized dice for Dungeons and Dragons," Sun commented, then noticed that a bunch of people were staring at him in surprise.

"You play D&D?" Blake asked, shocked at this revelation.

"What? It's not just for nerds!" Sun said defensively.

Jaune reached out, and took the stone in both hands. The moment he did so, however, a strange, hooting sound filled his ears. The noise got louder and louder, until suddenly, three, large humanoid Grimm landed around the Huntsman, surrounding him. Each Grimm resembled an ape, but with white plating covering their chests and their skulls exposed. One of the Grimm stood on its hind legs, beating its chest, before roaring at Jaune, showcasing a mouth full of sharp teeth.

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