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The audience quietly settled back into their seats. The appearance of a cybernetic Grimm was still fresh on their minds, and it wasn't something you could discuss without becoming queasy, especially since Remnant was more than capable of creating such a monstrosity. As the lights began to dim, they prayed to whatever gods still existing in their world that no one would come away from this series with a new, sinister idea.

The episode began with Adam standing over a heap of scrap metal, the remains of the robotic Creep had destroyed previously. Shaking his head in disgust, he reached behind his left ear, switching on an intercom connected to his neck.

"Clover, I'd like a word, if you'd be so kind," he requested calmly, though his tone betrayed the disgust and horror he was attempting to force down.

"Sure, Taurus. What can I do for you?" the Specialist's voice crackled from the Scroll.

"Would you mind explaining why I just fought a Grimm equipped with machine guns?" the bull Faunus demanded, his voice laced with venom.

"Oh... shit," Clover muttered.

"Please don't tell me..." Ms. Goodwitch groaned, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Surely, my alternate incarnation would not be that dubious!" Ironwood stated angrily.

"Okay, the truth is, three years ago, one of the Atlasian Specialists, Caroline Cordovin, proposed an idea to capture and modify Grimm, turning them into machines used for warfare against both humans and other Grimm," Clover explained. "She called it Project Vindicate. She reasoned that since Grimm come into existence solely to destroy, we may as well put them to use destroying things we want to see destroyed."

"And Ironwood thought this was a good idea?!" Adam cried, disgusted by the very thought.

"No, of course not!" the Specialist replied indignantly. "Sure, President Ironwood can be a bit extreme sometimes, and his willingness to sacrifice lives for the greater good  have earned him the title 'heartless,' but he would never use creatures of pure evil to further his goals."

"I knew the General would never stoop to such a level," Winter smirked proudly.

"Yeah, Jimmy can be a bit thick-headed, but he's virtuous, and that's never a bad quality to have," Qrow agreed.

"So when Atlas rejected her 'brilliant' ideas, Cordovin just resigned, and took her proposal elsewhere. And I'm sure I don't have to tell you who was only too happy to give her ideas life," Clover concluded.

"The Atlas Titans," Adam spat. "Great. So I'm guessing what I just fought has now been mass produced?"

"Most likely," Ilia's voice interjected. "According to their data log, the Titan's current employer has sent them on several incursions to eliminate Grimm, but I'm not so sure that's the only thing they're doing out there."

"Adam, if what Clover and Ilia are saying is true, it might be in your better interest to move through this city more quietly," Sienna's voice suggested. "Grimm are dangerous enough without cybernetic enhancements, and if this whole city is being invaded, who knows how many Titan killing machines could be crawling around Kuchinashi."

"You're probably right," the bull Faunus nodded. "Over and out." He removed his hands from his intercom, then looked around the buildings around him. Spying a fire escape off to his right, he quickly clambered up, and made his way into a small apartment building.

The scene changed to show Adam slowly making his way through a long hallway, several crates pushed against the walls.

"Whew! After all that bloodshed, I'm kind of relieved Adam's going to sneak his way past the Atlas Titans," Ruby admitted.

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