M-11: The Next Step

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M-11: The Next Step

"So, can you at least tell us where Adam's going next, before you start the next episode?" Ruby asked, watching as Abe entered the projector's booth.

"Well, alright. His next destination is Argus," Abe conceded. "But that's not in this episode. He's got some other things to take care of, first."

"Like what?" Ruby continued, as the lights began to dim.

"I think we're about to find out," Weiss told her.

The episode began with Adam sitting on another hospital cot, as Pietro Polendina took notes next to him. The Atlasian scientist took a stethoscope, and placed it up against the bull Faunus's bruised chest, listening through it.

"Heart rate: normal," Pietro commented, writing on a clipboard. He chuckled merrily. "Well, I'm pleased to announce your body has suffered no critical damage during your first test run of the pain-inhibiting suit. Now don't worry about the bruises, your Aura should cause those to fade in an hour or two."

"Thanks, Doc," Adam smiled, as he stood up, preparing to leave.

"Oh, and one more thing," the scientist added, placing something in Adam's hand. "I've upgraded your intercom. If you get into a pinch in combat, press the second button. Depending on which finger you use, the effect will be different." He winked at the bull Faunus. "Consider it a thank you gift for those combat logs you brought to me."

"Pleasure's all mine," Adam nodded. "See you around, Pietro."

"It is beyond weird seeing Adam get along with humans," Blake murmured. "Usually, the only humans Adam's come into contact with are either dead, or about to be."

"To be fair, though, most of the human's we've seen Adam in contact with are trying to kill him," Yang pointed out.

Adam exited Pietro's checkup room, where Ilia stood waiting for him. The chameleon Faunus was on her Scroll, speaking to someone, so she simply waved at him, then continued her conversation.

"Uh-huh... Sure! That sounds perfect! ... Yep... Okay, love you too! Bye~" she pocketed her phone, a small smile on her face.

"Who was that?" the bull Faunus asked, his mouth parted into a knowing grin.

"My fiancé," Ilia giggled. "Our wedding is in a few months, and she's been running every single little detail by me, just to make sure it's okay."

"Heh." Adam tilted his head. "I should probably call my own wife up soon, let her know I'm okay."

"You know, after all that violence, it's really nice to watch some wholesome conversations between friends," Sun grinned.

"Tell me about it," Velvet sighed in relief. "I needed a break from all the blood and guts flying all over the place."

"Seriously! Who is little Amitola marrying?!" Kali demanded, her eyes sparkling with curious glee.

"Hmm. I'll sure Cinder would appreciate that," Ilia agreed. "But, at the moment, Clover wants you in the hangar. Says he's got a surprise for you."

"Nice. I can only imagine what that is," Adam scoffed, following the chameleon Faunus down the hallway.

The scene changed to show a fully dressed Adam and Ilia making their way into an airship hangar. Rows of Bullheads filled the bulk of the large chamber, many of which were currently being repaired by Faunus mechanics. Standing near the entrance, waiting for the Faunus, was Clover Ebi.

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