Chapter 4

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Six months.

That's how long I've been in Tartarus.

I'm currently walking back to my 'house'. It's just a hidden cave, but it's now my home.

As I walk, I see monsters rushing to get out of my way. At that I smirk. I've made myself quite the reputation down here. All monsters know to leave me alone.

Suddenly I hear footsteps. Human footsteps. I quickly spin my ring and it changes into my scythe, Armageddon. The footsteps come to a halt behind me.

"Hello Percy."

I spin around and see...a girl? She has long blonde hair, that's in a ponytail. Her eyes are an ocean blue. Her outfit looks almost like one you'd see an assassin wearing.

"You-you're a girl!" I stutter.

"Really? I hadn't noticed." She gives me a look.

"Sorry. I was just surprised to see a girl in Tartarus." I quickly said.

"Sure. Anyways, I'm Nicole, daughter of Poseidon."

"Wait, a daughter of Poseidon ?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"Well, it's just that...Poseidon hasn't had a child in a really long time."

Hmm, I wonder how long she's been down here. I study her expression for a second.

"How long have you been down here?" I ask.

"I don't know, but I can't have been here that long."

"Well, what year was it?"

She's quiet as she thinks about it. After a few minutes she clears her throat and answers.

"I think it was 1614."

Holy Thantos.

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I'm not even going to talk about how late this is, but feel free to throw things at me if you're mad. *hides behind phone* Well I hope you like the chapter, I'll be posting the next one on Friday. By the way Nicole is nicole_sky. Thanks for reading! Bye!!! Vote, Comment, Share, and don't forget to wind the music box!

~ Allure Crimson ~

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