Chapter 7

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I rush back to the caves, paying no attention to what's around me. Suddenly I'm on the ground. I hear a bunch of gasps.

"Oh no! She knocked down the nightmare!" I hear a voice say.

"What do you think he'll do to her?" Another voice questioned.

I look up and see four Drakons.(Did I spell that right?) Three are full grown, the fourth is a baby.

The baby is shaking violently. She stares at me with wide, fearful eyes.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to bump into you! Please forgive me Nightmare!" She shouts.

"It's ok. Calm down little one." I say calmly.

The Drakons gasp.

"Can you understand us?" One adult asks.

"Yes, I can."

They gasp again.

I turn to the little one.

"What's your name?" I ask softly.

"Zelena." She whispers.

"Well, Zelena, would you like to come home with me?"

She looks at me with surprise.

"Really?!" She shouts.

I chuckle and nod.

Then I am once again on the ground, with a very happy baby Drakon on top of me. I smile and pet her head. Then I hear a noise coming from Zelena.

"Are you purring Zelena?" I ask in surprise.

She just purrs louder and nuzzles my chest. I gently lift her off of me and stand up.

"Now, let's go Zelena." I turn to the other Drakons. "By the way, if you ever need anything, come to the caves. I also have something to give you."

I close my hands and focus. Soon I have four collars made of black ice, all bearing my new symbol. The symbol is my scythe, on top of an X that looks like it's been carved by the scythe.

I put a collar on each of the Drakons.

"If you are ever in trouble, call my name and will come. You are under my protection now."

They nod. But then they bow, saying...

"Thank you, Lord Nightmare. You now have the respect and loyalty of all Drakons. We will always come to your aid." They say in unison.

I bow back.

"Thank you. I will forever be grateful for your friendship." I tell them.

They nod and the adults leave. I head back to the caves with Zelena.

Now I have even more explaining to do.


Hello my Sparks!!! Here is a surprise double update! I just wanted to thank you all for reading, voting, and commenting! Ok so here's the question for this chapter.

What's your favorite candy?

My absolute favorite candy is SKITTLES!!! They're just SKITTLETASTIC!!!

Ok that's all. Bye! Vote, Comment, Share, and Don't forget to Go. To. Sleep!

~ Allure Crimson ~

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