Chapter 15

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*Percy's POV*

It's the Rêfræçtør. He still freaks me out with his looks.

"What do you want from me?" I ask.

He chuckles and comes fully into the room.

"I don't want anything from you. It's what my Master wants." He grins evilly at me.

I narrow my eyes and stand up. He immediately steps back nervously.

He fears us! Toby says.

Of course he does! Jack snaps.

"Are you afraid of me?" I taunt while grinning.

"N-No!" He stutters, stepping back even more.

Before I can mess with him even more, a voice echoes through the room.

"Pêrçÿ bring our guest to the throne room."

Pêrçÿ immediately bows.

"Yes Master."

He goes to grab my arm, but I slip away from him and out the door that he so foolishly left open. I race through the endless halls, twisting and turning random corners, hoping to find an exit. Suddenly I run into someone.

I look up and see...

"Luke?!" I exclaim.

He looks down in confusion. When his eyes land on me, the confusion fades into understanding.

"No. I am Łükê. You must be Percy." He says.

Percy, run! He's a Rêfræçtør! Toby screams.

Before I can even move, Łükê grabs my arm and drags me away. Then Pêrcÿ comes running down the hallway. When his eyes land on us he sighs in relief.

"Łükê! Thanks for catching him! He ran off before I could take him to the Master." He pants out.

"You shouldn't have let him get past you." Łükê glares.

Pêrcÿ looks down in shame.

"Sorry, Łükê. I won't let it happen again." He mumbles.

Łükê'š expression softens.

"Ok. Now let's get him to the Master." He grins at Pêrcÿ.

Pêrcÿ blushes and looks down.

"Y-Yeah. Let's go." He stutters, turning and walking down the hallway.

We walked in silence to the throne room. Pêrcÿ and Łükê are sneaking glances at each other, while I think about their Master.

What do you think he wants with us? Jack asks.

'I don't know but it can't be good.' I reply.

Probably not. Toby agrees.

We finally reach the doors to the throne room. They're very tall and beautifully designed. One thing really stands out about them though, they're purple.

I internally share a laugh with Toby and Jack.

We enter the throne room and as I start to examine the beauty of it, a voice breaks me out of my thoughts.

"Percy Jackson. What an honor to have you in my dimension."

I focus my gaze on the throne, only to freeze in shock. It wasn't the throne that shocked me, it was the person on it.

For sitting there, on the throne, eating purple cookies was...


Hello my Sparks! How are you guys? Did you enjoy the chapter? I'd like to say sorry to my guy readers for adding that hint of random romance. The next 5 chapters are coming before 12AM my time. So be patient and bear with me please. Question of the chapter is...

Have you guys pulled any April Fools jokes? If so, what did you do?

I haven't yet. But I will soon.

Ok that's all for now. Bye!!! Vote, Comment, Share, and Don't forget watch YouTube!

~ Allure Crimson ~

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