Chapter 12

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*3rd POV*

"So, why are you here Nyx?" Dawn asks.

"I need your help. Someone very special to me is in trouble."

Dawn walks over to the window.

"I have been in hiding for a long time Nyx. Why should I come out now?" She turns back to Nyx.

"Because I'm your friend. Also, the one who is in trouble can help you with" Nyx smirks.

Dawn's head snaps up.

"Excuse me?" She whispers.

"Yes, I said he can help you."

"But how? And why would he want to help me?" Dawn shifts nervously.

"Because if you help him, he'll help you." Nyx says simply.

Dawn walks over to one of her bookcases, and runs her fingers down the spines of the books.

"I guess I can help you." She pulls one of the books forward, then let's go.

The bookcase moves aside, revealing a room. Dawn walks into it and disappears for a few minuets. When she come back out, she's dressed differently.

She is wearing a pink shirt and black skinny jeans. Her brown hair is in a ponytail, and her pink eyes shine with determination.

"Let's go." She walks to the door.

Nyx nods and follows.

"So, where is your injured friend?" Dawn asks.

"On Olympus." Nyx says.

Dawn freezes.

"What?! He's on Olympus! Wh-" Dawn is cut off by Nyx sending them to Olympus.

Dawn glares at Nyx when they arrive.

"I'm going to kill you." She hisses at Nyx.

Nyx just drags her over to Percy.

"This is Percy. I was hoping you could use your...talents to help him." Nyx says.

"I'll try." Dawn sits next to Percy.

Dawn lays her hands on Percy's head, and closes her eyes. Suddenly her hands start glowing pink and she starts to chant some words quietly.

"I can't stop it, but I can slow it down." Dawn says, removing her hand from Percy.

Then everyone hears a gasp and Percy shoots up.

*Percy's POV*

I'm talking to Toby and Jack, when I feel like I'm being pulled away. I look down and notice that I'm now see through

"What's happening to me?" I ask them worried.

They look at me sadly.

"Someone's bringing you back." Toby sighs.

"We'll miss you Percy." Jack says.

We all shake hands before I completely disappear.

I open my eyes to see Nicole crying over me. When I realize I'm back in the throne room, I gasp and shoot up.

"Nightmare! Are you ok?" Nicole asks hysterical.

"Hey, I'm fine. Calm down. I'm ok, I'm right here." I hug her.

"I thought you were gone for good!" She sobs.

"Didn't I promise you that I'd never leave you?" I ask.

She nods.

"But-" She starts.

"But, nothing. I'm never going to leave you." I cut her off.

Before we can continue, someone clears their throat. I turn and see a girl with brown hair and pink eyes.

"Who are you?" I ask.


Hi. Sorry this update is short and late. I'm just having a bad day. I broke one of my throwing knives and one of my arrows. The next update will come on Friday or when I hit 6K. Hope you guys are having a good day. Well question is...

Do you know how to use any weapons? If you do, which ones? And which is your favorite?

Yes. I know how to shoot many different guns, I throw knives, I'm learning archery, I throw ninja stars, I shoot a crossbow and a crossbow pistol, I use a blow dart gun, and I throw cards. My favorite weapons are knives, throwing knives, and guns.

Ok that's all I have to say, bye. Vote, Comment, Share, and Don't forget to use your door lights.

~ Allure Crimson ~

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