Chapter 18

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Percy's POV

A scream pierces the air, it takes me a good five seconds to realize that I'm the one screaming.

The lever that Śåłłÿ pulled made the ropes around my wrists and ankles pulled tight, stretching me at either end.

It's only a little uncomfortable. I don't have a problem for a few turns, then I feel like my arms and legs are gonna fall off. Two more turns and two cracks ring through the air. Both of my arms are dislocated. I bite back the scream threatening to rip out of my throat.

Śåłłÿ grins and spins it again. My ankles snap out of their sockets. The scream tears out and rings through the air.

It only takes a few more spins for my skin to start ripping. I can hear the sickening sound of tearing flesh. That's when she stops.

"Pêrcÿ, come here." She says.

Pêrcÿ walks forward and looks at Śåłłÿ curiously.

"Use your powers on him." She orders.

An evil smirk settles on Pêrcÿ's face.

"You see Percy, my powers are different from yours. You control water." He raises his hand and the temperature in the room drops.

"I control ice." He clenches his fist.

I feel my blood freezing in my veins. I'm torn between screaming and begging for it to stop. My heart slows and I begin to feel tired. Just as my vision starts to go black, it stops.

I scream even louder as my blood thaws and rushes through my veins. I feel the little ice crystals he left shred my insides as they go.

My eyes ice over and I can't see anything. It's so cold.

Cold, cold, cold, cold. Is all I can think.

The cracks in my mind multiply. It hurts, everything hurts.

Memories start to rush by. Annabeth breaking my heart, the gods sentencing me to Tartarus, my Father betraying me, my Grandfather fading in front of me, being cursed. Each memory breaks my mind further.

3rd POV

Śåłłÿ watches in amusement as Percy screams.

"When do you think he will give us what we want?" Łükê asks.

"Soon." Is all he gets in reply.

On Olympus

"We have to find him!" Nicole shouts.

"There's nothing we can do!" Annabeth screams back.

"You don't even care! You broke his heart. All of you betrayed him!" Nicole yells at the Olympians and campers.

"Who are you to talk, you don't even know Percy!" Annabeth growls.

"I'm his sister! I've spent the last few years with him. I never betrayed him. We know everything about each other!" She hisses.

The argument continues on, no one noticing the fact that time is passing.

Percy's POV

All I know is pain. All I feel is pain. Mental pain, physical pain, emotional pain. It's getting stronger I hear a faint cracking sound, it's getting louder. Loud, the pain is loud. I hear screaming. It hurts, everything hurts.

And then it stops.

A loud, sharp crack echoes through the air.


Hello my skittletastic Sparks! Here is your update! Hope you enjoy it. Did everyone have a fun Independence Day? If you live in America that is. Well here is your question...

Who is your favorite Gotham City villain?

Mine is the Joker and his side kick Harley Quinn!

Ok, well that's all for now! Bye! Vote, Comment, Share, and Don't forget to put a smile on your face!

~ Allure Crimson ~

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