Chapter 1

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Percy's POV

The war with Gaea ended about two weeks ago, and everything is perfect. I have Annabeth, my dream girlfriend. The seven, the perfect best friends. And life at Camp is wonderful to.

But a demigods life never stays perfect.

The past few days I've noticed that people are more distant towards me. I catch some giving me looks of suspicion or fear. But today Piper and Jason started being like that to. When I asked them to hang out they gave me weary looks and told me they were busy.

One by one my friends grew farther away from me. Only three stayed by my side, Nico, Annabeth, and Grover.

Tonight I'm going to propose to Annabeth. I made a ring for her. It's made of celestial bronze, with emeralds surrounding a grey diamond in the center. And to make it even better for her, if you twist the diamond, the ring turns into a celestial bronze dagger.

I walk down to the beach to propose to her, I'm nervous about her reaction. I hope she says yes.

Then I see her, she's just standing by the water. The sunlight shines on her golden hair and makes it shimmer. She's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.

I walk over and join her, clutching the ring box tightly.

"Hey Wisegirl."

"Hey. I need to tell you something." She shifts nervously.

I tilt my head to the side.

"Ok, what's up?"

"Well, Percy... I think we should breakup."

My heart stops. She can't be serious.

"It's just your to powerful! Soon you'll have enough power to take over the Gods! And I just can't trust you anymore." She shouts at me.

Every word is like a knife to my heart. I can feel it shattering, breaking into pieces to small to put back together.

I look into her eyes sadly and grab her hand.

"What are you doing? Let me go!"

I pull the ring box out of my pocket and put it in her hand. Then I turn around and walk away.

I'm only a few minutes out of camp when a glow starts to surround me. When it fades away I see that I'm on Olympus. Most of the Gods are glaring at me.

"Seize him!" Zeus thunders.

Before you can say 'Poseidon's pink swim trunks' I'm chained to the floor.

"Perseus Jackson! You are to powerful, you might betray us. Soon you could take us over and destroy us!" He glares at me.

"My fatal flaw is loyalty, do you think I'd betray you?" I ask quietly.

They ignored me, instead thinking of my punishment. Some of the Gods share a look, then nod in unison.

"All in favor?" Zeus asks.

All but a few gods raise their hands. Only Hades, Hestia, Aphrodite, and surprisingly Hera left their hands down.

"It is settled then. Your punishment shall be-"


Hello my Sparks! I sincerely apologize for the late update. But here it is! So what do you guys think I should do? Kill him, send him to Chaos, or use my special idea? Tell me what you think in the comments! Vote, Comment, Share, and Don't forget to eat Skittles!!!

~ Allure Crimson ~

Percy Jackson: BetrayedOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant