Chapter 3

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After my oh so lovely drop into Tartarus, I landed relatively safe. Meaning I managed to impale myself on a very sharp rock.

As I'm struggling to get off of said rock, I hear a voice.

"Perseus Jackson?"

I turn my head and see...Kronos. Wonderful. I glare at him then resume my quest to relieve my body of the rock.

"Here let me help." He comes and lifts me from the rock.

After he sets me down, I stare at him in suspicion.

"Why would you help me? I aided in your defeat."

I take a moment and look him over. He looks old and withered, almost like he's dying. The worst part is his eyes, they look tired and heartbreakingly sad. I start to feel bad for him.

"Percy, I'm fading. I want to have peace, to leave the pain. But I need to give my powers to someone. I have chosen you because you are the most worthy."

I freeze. When what he said finally sinks in I'm shocked. He chose me.

"It would be an honor...grandfather." I bow.

He looks at me with shock before tears filled his eyes.

"Thank you." He whispers.

Then he does something even more shocking. He hugs me. When I get over my own shock, I hug him back.

"Now for gifts." He puts his hands on my chest.

They start glowing and I feel a sharp pain in my chest. When it stops I feel more powerful. I now can tell what time it is. I can also feel a current running around me.

When I focus on it, gold lines begin to surround me. I look up at Kronos confused.

"What is this?"

"That is Time. You can look at any moment in Time. Now before I go I have one more thing to give you." He reaches into his pocket.

What he pulls out is a ring. I raise an eyebrow at him.

"This is my scythe. It is like Riptide, just spin the ring and will become the scythe. You will need to rename it." He hands me the ring.

I put it on and twist it. The scythe materializes in my hand.

"Thank you. I'm sorry for everything I did to you."

"No, I must apologize for my actions. I also must say that I am very proud that were able to take me down." He grins at me.

I smile back, and turn the scythe back into a ring.

"Now, it is time for me to go. I hope you do well from now on."

"Goodbye and good luck." I give him one last hug.

As he fades I can't help but shed a single tear. I shake my head and begin my journey into Tartarus.


Heyo Sparks!!! I hope you liked the chapter. I will try to update every Friday. So any ideas on what to name the scythe? Ok that's all for now. Bye!!!

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~ Allure Crimson ~

Percy Jackson: BetrayedOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz