Chapter 8

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2 Years Later (He's been in Tartarus for 3 years now)

I think it's about time we left Tartarus. A lot of things have happened over the past two years. I have even more powers, thanks to Nyx, Erebus, and Tartarus himself.


I was walking through Tartarus with Nicole when everything started getting darker. I spun around to see Nyx, Erebus, and Tartarus.

"Hello my Lords and Lady." I bow. "What can we do for you?"

Nyx walks forward and smiles at me.

"We have come to bless you and make you our champions." She says.

I look at Nicole, she mirrors my look of shock. I turn back to the Primordials and bow again.

"We would be honored."

Nyx claps her hands and says "Me first!"

She puts a hand on both of our foreheads. A black glow surrounds her hands. I can feel something moving through my head and something else moving near my shoulder blades. She removes her hands and backs away.

"I have given you both a few gifts. You will now be more powerful at night. You also have wings that will only appear when you want them." She tells us.

Erebus steps forward. He says nothing before putting his hands on our heads. His hands don't glow, it just seems that the space around them becomes darkness. I feel something moving through my mind again. I can also feel my appearance changing a bit. He removes his hands and steps back. I can feel all of the shadows in Tartarus and feel what's inside them.

"I have given you both powers over darkness. You will be more powerful in the dark, and it will protect you." He says.

And finally Tartarus comes forward. He grins at us before setting his hands on out heads. A red glow surrounds his hands. I yet again feel something passing through my mind. Suddenly, I can tell exactly where we are in Tartarus and feel everything inside it. I also feel as if a weight has disappeared. He takes his hands away and backs up.

"You can now control Tartarus, not as much as I can but you still can. You also are now able to enter and leave Tartarus whenever you want."

Then Nyx steps forward once more.

"We have a few last things for you."

The three of them hold their hands out. Energy pulses out before some things appear on the ground.

"These are some clothes for you both. The hoods will hide your faces when you want them to, and none of the clothes will hinder the use of your wings." She holds out some black cloths.

"These are a few weapons that we created from our own energy. They are tied to you and will be like an extension of yourselves." Erebus hands us a few weapons.

I got a sword, a belt of throwing knives, and some ninja stars. Nicole got a bow and some arrows, a dagger, and what looked like black claws.

"These cuffs will allow you to contact us. Just tap them and say our names, we will come to you." Tartarus hands us each a black cuff.

"Thank you. We will be eternally grateful. Whenever you need us for anything, just summon us." I tell them.

They nod and disappear.

Flashback End

I've also become friends with every monster in Tartarus. Even Kampê and Echidna like me.

The only bad thing is that my mind gets worse every day. I've started having episodes of insanity, and voices have started talking to me in my head. I'm scared that soon I won't be sane at all.

I look in the mirror before I walk out the door. My hair is the darkest shade of black, so dark Hades would be jealous. My eyes are mostly black, with red and sea green mixed in. But what scares me are the cracks going through my eyes. They look like broken glass, but not completely. This is how I know my mind hasn't fully shattered. I sigh and go to find Nicole.

She's in the living room, sharpening her dagger.

"Hey Nicole. I think it's time to leave Tartarus. We should leave at midnight."

She looks up at me and puts her dagger back in its sheath.

"Ok. Let's start for the exit now." She goes to her room to get her things.

I can't wait to see the Olympians reactions. I chose today because it's the winter solstice. I'm feeling a bit dramatic, so today is perfect.

"Let's go." I hear from behind me.

I turn to see Nicole in her out fit from the Primordials.

She's wearing black skinny jeans and a black form fitting shirt. Black combat boots are laced up on her feet. All of her weapons are in their places and her cuff is on. The last piece is the black cloak. On the back there are three symbols. One for each of our patrons.

Her appearance also changed after we got our new powers. Her hair starts out the same black as my hair at the top, it fades into blond near the bottom. Her eyes are like mine too. Mostly black with red and ocean blue mixed in. But her eyes lack the cracks mine have.

My outfit is like hers, just for a boy and with my own weapons.

I nod at her and we head out.

* Time skip brought to you by Tony the Talking Clock *

We are standing at the entrance to Tartarus, or in our case the exit. It's 11:59 PM. Almost time to leave.

An alarm goes through my head, it's midnight. Then we exit Tartarus, evil smirks on both of our faces.

* On Olympus *

3rd POV

The 14 Olympians are sitting in their thrones, arguing like usual. Off to the side of the throne room is a pedestal. On top of this rests a little sphere, made of ice.

None of the Olympians notice that the spree is cracking. Suddenly an explosion rocks Olympus, throwing the gods off their thrones.

"What was that!" Zeus yells.

Athena gasps and faints. Hermes runs forward to catch her. The Olympians turn to see what had effected Athena this way. Every single one of them gasps in shock.

Off to the side, ice fragments litter the floor. The sphere has finally shattered.

"Oh no. He's back." Zeus whispers.


What's up my Sparks! Did you like the chapter? I hope you did, it took me forever to write. Have any of you seen Don't Hug Me I'm scared? If you haven't you should look it up on YouTube. By the way, is anyone else exited about the return of Once Upon A Time? Shout out to @Angelcat8 and @9803ann. Ok now for the question.

Who is your favorite fictional character of all time?

I have three. Jack Skellington, The Mad Hatter, and The Cheshire Cat!

Ok that's all for now. Bye!!! Vote, Comment, Share, and Don't forget that eventually everyone runs out of TIME.

~ Allure Crimson ~

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