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Kokichi's POV


I turned around quickly only to see Saihara-Chan staring at me.

"Wa-!? Oh Saihara-Chan, what's got you up so late?"

"I could ask you the same...I couldn't sleep so I thought I would come grab something to snack on.."

"Oh uh something to.. snack on? I just came down for a glass of water and just to get out of your incredibly borriinngg room!"

"Is that so...do you want me to pour you a glass since I'm going over to the kitchen anyways?"

"Sure why not!"

As Saihara-Chan walked over to the kitchen to grab me some water and...a meal for himself I walked over to the table and sat down. It was strange being out of our dorms this late as the halls were quiet and no one except for Saihara-Chan was in sight. I fidled with my hands and the skin on my lips while I waited for Shuichi to come back over.

He came back over and handed me the glass and then he sat down with a banana.

"That isn't to bad..."

"Is..everything ok Oma-kun?"

"Hm? Yeah everything is juusstt fine! Why are you asking?"


Shuichi's POV

I had stopped speaking for a moment as I pondered what to say. There were many things I wanted to talk to him about but I just didn't know how to go about it.
I had remembered how Kokichi never ate and how nothing had seemed to fit him anymore. The tired smiles we received and the way his cheekbones became flush with his skin as he became thinner. The way no one noticed what was going on and that we just kept pushing him off made tears come to my eyes. I wanted to tell him how much I cared about him and how I wanted him to trust me. I wanted to tell him just how much I.....Loved him..

"I can at least try and get the point across.."

"Hey, Heeeyyy! Earth to Saihara! You just going to leave me on a cliff hanger like that!?"

"...Kokichi...why won't you eat...?"

"Huh!? Saihara-Chan I don't know what's gotten into you! Of course I'm eatin-"

"Kokichi please don't lie to me about this! You never eat at dinner and you just seem tired all the time..!"

I noticed Kokichi started to become more defensive.

"I eat all the time! You just aren't around stupidhead! And I look tired all the time because I'm getting tired of everyones bullshit!"

"If you ate all the time why won't anything fit you! What about the sticky notes stuck on the walls of your bathroom!? Or are those just a lie too!"


"Kokichi...I care..."

"I'm not lying shuichi...yo-you're making this all u-up.."

Kokichi's voice broke as he talked. A glassy film formed in his sad eyes.
Tears soon poured down his face as he couldn't hold it together. He tried laughing it off but instead he let out a miserable sob. Bound up sadness, frustration and fear were let out as he sobbed into his sleeves.

"...I-Im sorry shuichi..."

As I watched him unfold and break down my heart broke. I walked over to him and hugged him not knowing if it would do much...

"Shuichi please...I hate myself...I felt so disgusting..." Kokichi pleaded.

Kokichi sobbed as he described the vulgar things he thought about himself just begging for the resurgence that it was all a lie itself.

It was almost terrifying watching him plead and cry. He cried and cried until he was holding onto me for support. Everything just kept building up as the days progressed. The stress from the killing game, the fear, and kokichi's own needs.

Every word he said brought tears to my own eyes.

"Kokichi...look at me please.."

I gently held his shoulders as I thought of the right words to reassure and soothe him.

"You..are not disgusting nor are you ugly or vile or hideous or...or any of those vulgar descriptions!...In fact I could only ever think of you as the opposite..and I promise, that is not a lie.."

Kokichi sat In shock as he tried to push back his tears.

With a trembling voice all Shuichi could make out was "...really..?"

Kokichi began to sob even more as throughout this miserable killing game those were the kindest words spoken to him.

"Kokichi..I promise, I'll do anything I can to help you.."

I sat there holding Kokichi in my arms as he sobbed. Time passed by as we stayed silent in the dark room, as I still stood holding and comforting him I whispered reassuring and kind words to him as he cried. I had looked out the window as the sky had become a bit lighter, hinting that dawn had arrived.

Not wanting anyone to accidental walk In on us like this I whispered one last thing to him.

"Kokichi...it's getting brighter outside...would you like to leave and try and get more sleep?"

Kokichi tiredly agreed as we left the kitchen and went back to the dorms. I unlocked kokichi's dorm and we went inside. As I turned around kokichi had already pulled back the covers and layed down in a comfortable position. I slid off the slippers I was wearing as I crawled in the bed next to him. I held kokichi until our eyes felt heavy and we drifted off to sleep, escaping this miserable hell once more.


•Total word count : 932•

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