Chapter 12

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This one is the Valentine's Day Special and Chapter 12 in one so yeah.

Todoroki awakened to the bright light of the Sun shining through the slightly transparent teal curtains. He squinted his eyes for a second and braced to open them once again. Once opened he landed his eyes on a red dot on his ceiling. He looked closer at the mysterious dot on his ceiling before he saw it move. Once he saw it move, he quickly got up and walked to the kitchen's cabinet grabbing a clear glass jar. 

While the now calm male was getting the glass, he heard the door to Bakugo’s door open. The blonde opened his mouth to speak, however Todoroki was already in his room before he could utter out a single sound. Todoroki quickly spotted the bright colored creature again, this time on his wall.

He walked towards the creature and slowly lifted this hand with the jar slamming the opening of the jar onto the red spot. He waited a while for the bug to catch onto the jar, before moving the jar from the wall and sealing it shut. Once the Ladybug was captured Todoroki walked into the living room where there was a giant window. 
The heterochromatic male opened the window and opened the jar letting the small bug free.

All of this happened while Bakugo just watched from afar questioning what all just happened. The explosive blonde decided not to question it and instead get ready for school. 

Leaving to his bedroom to change, Bakugo spotted a calendar. Upon looking at the calendar, the blonde's face turned dark. The month was February and the days on the calendar were marked off all the way up to thirteen, making today...the fourteenth.

Bakugo dispised Valentine's Day, this is because usually his mother would rub it in the poor boy's face just showing him how single he truly was. At the end of her teasing she would always say, "Y'know, if you just got a girlfriend you wouldn't feel so lonely." One time, the blonde actually took her advice and got a girlfriend. However, they broke up upon the explosive blonde finding out his lack of interest towards females. 

Bakugo decided to not mind it all that much and just continue on with his day, or at least that is what he planned to do. Once the blonde entered class he was smacked in the face with the smell of chocolate. He looked around and saw Jirou and Momo exchanging sweets, not much to his surprise. Then, he looked to the side. He saw KIRISHIMA and DEKU exchanging chocolates?!

His RIVAL and his BEST FRIEND exchanging chocolates! He immediately started yelling and pointing at them. "WHAT THE HELL SHITTY HAIR AND SHITTY NERD!?" This caused everyone to look at the two, the ones in question's faces turning beet red from the attention. They both tried to explain, but they tripped over their words too much and spoke too quietly for the others to understand anything. 
Soon enough the bell for class to begin rang as the blonde gave them both a death glare.

With all of this happening the blonde didn't even notice the pair of eyes that had been watching him the whole time. Todoroki had his hands under his desk fiddling with a bag of chocolates that he had meant to give to someone but hadn't had the chance. At this point he was using his ice powers to keep the chocolate from melting. 

Once school was over the heterochromatic male headed to his dorms as quickly as he could. The male made his way inside after nervously fondling with the keys trying to unlock the door, and looked around for Bakugos room. He quickly snuck inside and placed the bag of chocolates on Bakugo's bed quickly leaving without a trace. He made sure to leave the note attached to the bag anonymous in case the blonde disliked the treats.

Todoroki slipped out of the door of the dorm and looked around making sure nobody  was there. He walked out of the dormitory and caught up with Mina. Being single on Valentine's Day ducked as Mina stated, so she declared that all the single people in class 1A (that being Aoyama, Mina, Bakugo, and Todoroki) should hangout together. She said that it was essential. 

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