Chapter 9

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Once the group spotted the mall, they immediately ran inside trying to catch the cold air coming from the air conditioner. The blistering sun murdered them along the way, making what was really just a short and easy walk into a long and hard one.

"Finally air!" Mina yelled collapsing on the floor meaning a few glances from other shoppers. Bakugo noticing these states tried to get her up only to see that Kirishima and Kaminari were doing the same. In the end, he decided to leave the weirdos on the floor as he grabbed Todoroki and started walking to the nearest hot topic.

When they arrived, Bakugo immediately searched the store for the hoodie he had been wanting, occasionally looking over to the All Might merch they had. He looked over to Todoroki and saw him just standing there.The blonde walked over to the taller male and asked, "Why are you just standing there?"

Todoroki looked down slightly and stated that he didn't want to get lost and left. You might think this is a stupid matter, however it had happened before when Endeavor went to the store with him. The old man would usually go off looking for what he needed to buy and completely forget he took a child with him. He would return at least ten minutes later and come pick up his kid again.

Todoroki grimaced at the thought of his father. As he remembered what he doing at the time, Bakugo was steadily waving his hand in front of him. The blonde was confused and slightly worried with the odd pause Todoroki did. "Look. Sorry if I caused some of that stupid trauma you have, Icyhot. " Bakugo scoffed while turning around, going back to searching for his items.

Todoroki shrugged it off and told Bakugo he was going to the food court before walking away. After walking for a while he reached the food court. He walked up to a small soba shop and ordered. As he waited, he searched the room for a open table. When he found one, he sat down on a chair waiting for his name to be called. His head sprung up when he heard his name.

( I hope I got this part right. Queenmusic24)

When he was walking over to grab his soba, he had a quick thought of Bakugo. He shook his head, the thought leaving his mind, and head over to his table again. However, before he took his first bite another thought of Bakugo flashed on his mind. Bakugo was naked, and tied up. In his eyes were tears, but he seemed slightly happy? Todoroki face flushed a bright red as he tried to shake away the thought. The thing is, no matter how many times he tried to force it out of his mind it never worked.

He finished his food and stormed to the bathroom. He made sure no one else was there and banged his head against a stall to pass out or at the least go light headed. He was getting tired and ended up falling asleep instead. The second he closed his eyes he was on top of a red and out of breath Bakugo. He was confused by the scenario in front of him. When he tried to touch the blonde in front of him, Bakugo turned to dust as if he was an illusion.

Todoroki woke up with clothes damp from sweating so much and slightly out of breath. Bakugo had been slapping his face awake repeatedly. He was slightly worried to find the peppermint on the floor passed out. He was confused when Todoroki lifted his hand up to his face. "Oi! Icyhot what the hell was that!?" Bakugo whisper shouted making sure no one but the male in front of him could hear. 

Todoroki sat up from the floor as he spoke, "I can't really remember..." He played it off as amnesia once he saw the worry on Bakugo's face. He didn't want to worry him any more, or him all the things he saw. His face heated up even thinking of it. Upon noticing Todoroki's face, Bakugo reached his hand to the boy's forehead and then to his own checking his temperature. "What? You got a fever now, Icyhot?" Bakugo asked.

"No. Why do ask?" Todoroki replied in bewilderment ( see, I know big words). "Your face is red." Right after Bakugo stated this Todoroki's face just turned an even deeper red. " Hey! You good Icyhot! Hey!"


....And like every shoujo anime I shall end it here. Really quickly, I apologize I said I would get out right after Thanksgiving then didn't said this Saturday and then didn't so yeah... 😅 Anyway, hope you enjoy. I didn't put an age restriction or warning because
1. I myself am a minor. (Don't go all Hisoka on me now)

2. I didn't put much.

Hope you enjoyed and have a good day!😊

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