Chapter 22

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"What the crap do you want me to say to that?" Fuyumi said dumbstruck. Bakugo just unveiled all the Todoroki drama he'd been dealing with recently and keeping pent-up. "I don't know. Advice or some shit. He's your brother, what do you know?" He asked on the edge of frustration. He wants nothing more than to solve these unlabeled feelings. Him working through his emotions so far by himself has been like trying to solve a broken, abstract, jigsaw puzzle. It's messing up his mental state to where it's all the boy can think about. Clouding his mind like the plague.

"He's my brother, yes. Fuyumi pondered on what to say before continuing, "However, I barely knew him growing up, so I can't say for certain his feelings." Bakugo looked down at his hands as she spoke, feeling hopeless and distraught on what to do. "Though the one thing that I do know is that this isn't normal Shoto behavior. Then again, him around you isn't normal Shoto behavior." She said, smirking a bit, thinking back to their interactions.

"What do you mean by that?" Bakugo was concerned about the words that would emerge from her mouth. Was it bad? He couldn't help but lean in, anxiously awaiting an answer from the older woman. "Well, he seems more on edge around you but in a cheerful way. Some might consider it, well, a crush."

"You too. You've expressed the emotions you feel towards him. From what I've seen, you guys compliment each other well. You spark each other's creativity and though you both -mostly you-" She pauses before continuing, "can be a bit of a brute, it helps cheer him up. Since sharing a dorm with you he seems happier, more fulfilled. You guys are a good fit. If you can admit your crush." She finishes her speech of with a bit of a judgemental look, expressing how tiring it is to watch her brother and him go back in forth contemplating their feelings.

Bakugos face lit up in shock. The thought of Todoroki having a crush om him seemed out of the ordinary, blasphemous, in fact. He couldn't believe it. He thought over all the moments they had together. The time in the common room, Todoroki's awkward behavior. Everything seemed to make sense once it was spelled out to him, but how could he not notice this before. He took a long sigh. The fuck was he a love interest in one of his books?! The thought of him being this oblivious, and all the worry of the future, made him nauseous.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom for a second." He stated. Fuyumi gestured for him to go on along as he walked. The second he closed that door, he sat on the top of the wooden toilet seat and just thought. His forehead was sweaty in his hands as he thought of what all this could cause. It's not like Todoroki had specifically stated that he liked him, but the thought of it even being a possibility was heartwrenching. He was overjoyed but couldn't jump to too many conclusions. He took a few breaths and returned to the room with Fuyumi.

"I've decided," the blonde paused before continuing. "I'll wait until he confesses(if he does). I don't wanna get my hopes up or build up so much tension in my brain that I mess up. So I'll stay calm and stick to the defense." Fuyumi nodded, seemingly understanding his position.

They spoke only a moment or two more before Bakugo parted ways to try and fully calm himself. Because he knew that if he saw Todoroki right now, he'd freak out. Though it made him extra paranoid and caused a 360° look around the area everywhere he went, it was worth it as long as he didn't run in to Todoroki. He just couldn't deal with the pressure right now. He had mixed emotions. One side overjoyed with the thought, but the other not so much. He was scared of the unknown, what could happen.

He decided to go to a Cafe. Maybe drinking something will calm his nerves. As he ordered his drink, he could hear the loud mutters of the people nearby. The idea of him being outside was a bit new. The students of UA are normally forced to stay on campus with all the villain attacks. However, here he was, alone in a coffee shop.

As he finished his drink he couldn't help but wish he wasn't by himself. Fuyumi was right, though speaking about Shoto, he, too, has been a lot happier in the presence of his heterochromatic counterpart. He missed him in a sense. His heart longed for him in ways he hadn't felt prior to this moment. It was dreadful.

'That's it' he decided. He would go back to the dorms and not only confront Todoroki but his own feeling as well. It's the only way to finally put this to rest. If Fuyumi was right and he does like Katsuki then that would be a plus and they can go from there, but it not then he'll just have to awkwardly dorm with the guy who rejected him for the rest of the year. Fun.

I'll be completely honest. I've been procrastinating about updating for a while. I'm growing up, yes, and though not many of you, I still have the urge to continue this story for you all. I refuse to just give up on this story. I need to finish it. I can't guarantee to update on time or monthly or anything, bit Ill keep writing. I hope you all enjoyed this story and have a good day or good night! Bye-bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2023 ⏰

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