Chapter 6: Saying Hi! Pt. 1

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Chapter 6: Saying Hi! Part One

It was an ordinary day for the 15 year old Ruby, especially when she watches her now functioning Servitor friend. Looking at her opened scroll device she presses a few buttons.

With a ping she lets out a smile and pulls out a black earpiece, with a press of a button she pushes on the scroll it started to record her, Ruby puts the small device into her ear and speaks.

"Ok! Communication Device test number 56, after so many failed attempts with a weird garble always being the result I've successfully made the new and improved Servitor Communication Device!"

"Ok! Serveyor! It's only been a half a year of failures so I don't expect much so please take it away! Speak your mind to me!" Ruby said happily with noticeable bags under her eyes, and a slight twitch.

The Servitor's lone eye turns and spin, looking to Ruby he remembers what she wanted him to do, and with a groan all Eliksni Servitors have he spoke.

In the earpiece that Ruby heard, despite what she said she did in fact expected a lot, after so many days and nights spent working on her device she wanted, in fact needed for this to work.

To hopefully understand her life long friend, dare say a family member after so many years of nothing was all that she wanted. As the Earpiece was working and it received Surveyor's signal, it gave the Machine a voice.

...And all Ruby could hear was garble once more. "Gah! Stupid stupid stupid-" "-to Valian Language, switch complete. Family Ruby, Hi."

Ruby mid tantrum stopped, and turned to Surveyor. "Su-Surveyor! You-You-You Spoke!"

"Family Ruby, Hi, Can have Dust Crystal?" Surveyor ask. With a small giggle, Ruby was holding in a laugh, before it soon turned into a full blown cheer.

"Yeah! I did it! I finally did it~!" Ruby yelled to the sky, Surveyor! How do you feel? Are you ok? Speak to me!" Ruby said, using her semblance to jump to the Servitor, hugging it.

"Hungry, I feel, Hungry, Can have Dust Crystal?" The Servitor said again. "Yes yes yes! You can have all the Dust Crystal's buddy! I'll make sure to get the Gravity ones just for you!"

In their time together, Yang and Ruby had found that Surveyor had a strange appetite for anything and everything dust, his favorite being Gravity Dust.

It was a surprised when grabbing tools ready to insert the Crystal, Surveyor saw it with his lone eye and suddenly he sent out a large and loud vortex, sucking the energy out of it.

His reply to such an event was as such, "Yummy, can Have Dust Crystal." Thus a tradition was born to feed the Servitor as such, one other thing to note was that soon after if he ate too much.

"Ether Distribution Protocol, Activated." The Servitor glowed and as said from before Ether was sent out, covering Ruby's body in it. "Hungry, can I have dust?"

With a sigh Ruby replied, "Sure thing, you're lucky this is a special occasion mister! And don't think I forgot your weekly maintenance!"

"Maintenance, ouch, why?" Just to keep things running fir the machine Ruby opted to help maintain Surveyor at least once a week, with Yang being there in spirit most of the time.

"Despite Yang saying she'd help, she never really helped with the technical stuff, mostly ideas." Ruby thought.

Putting her goggles on she scanned Surveyor and the one thing she hate seeing was broken, especially the broken icon that's been there since she began working on him.

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