Ch. 29 Forewarning

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Chapter 29: Forewarning

"The Light Lives In All Places... In All Things... You Can Block It... Even Try To Trap It... But The Light Always Finds Its Way." - The Speaker

Ruby walks through the camp leading her Captain and Hanako to the command tent. Fallen all around watch and stare at the Guardian.

Eventually they would encounter Team JNPR and as they pass them Jaune is suddenly grabbed by Vikas much to his, and his teams surprise.

"Hey! Why me?!" Jaune asks before getting dropped back down and his now following along the group. "You're one of the Rose's Captain, this matters to you." Jaune physically deflates at this but agrees nonetheless.

"W-wait! Jaune!" Pyrrha yells trying to catch up, "Shouldn't we...?" Ren looks to Nora who smiles, "Nah! Let's leave the important stuff for the important people. I'm tired! And our tent isn't even up yet." Nora says.

"You do have a point." Ren says as the two go off to set up their tent somewhere.

Bell the Ghost pops up and floats towards Jaune surprising him. "So, "Jaune, Rose Captain", how did this come about?" "Come about what?"

"You're one of the only know Human Captains in Fallen History, there has to be a story there."

"Not really, I just went and helped out my friend, and then helped saved some Fallen, and well...they felt safe when I'm around now...I think."

"Really?" Bell scans Jaune, twirling around him to and fro his frame spins still scanning him. "Hey!"

"Well...I'll admit I don't see anything notable except your light is larger then some around here...Wait a minute...actually..." Bell continues to scan. "Isn't that a surprise...considering the right conditions, I see a potential Guardian in the making."

"What?" Jaune asks confused. "Bell!" Hanako admonishes, "Uh oh, forget what I said." The Ghost says before disappearing back into Hanako. "Sorry about that Bell speaks his mind just...Don't give him any mind." "Uh...okay?"

As Ruby and her Captain Vikas reach the War Tent Ruby goes to stand at one end of a large table. On it was a holographic map of the surrounding area thanks to Fallen technology.

While Hanako is on the other end of the table near the entrance of the tent. To the side on Hanako's left was Jaune and Pyrrha while on her right was Vikas.

Ruby still had her goggles and hood up, mimicking that of a Marauder, her Scythe in its compact form attached to her lower back.

What Hanako could see of Ruby was the obvious worry on her face as she stared and look between herself and her Captain. Jaune and Pyrrha would have the same expressions.

Ruby decided to speak first, her expression hidden. "So you have questions, and we may have the answers. If you would start Ms. Hanako."

Hanako's Ghost, Bell who had appeared in a flash decided to start things off. ""Vikas, Roses Captain", JNPR, Rubikel...Our first question is simply what happened? How and why would a Fallen House turn to a Human Kell?"

Ruby turns to Vikas who begrudgingly responds in English. "I will admit, it wasn't by choice, it was nothing but a necessity. Our Kell had decided to delve into something dangerous and had lost himself."

"Can you describe what this Danger is?"

"What we had gathered it was a pool of Darkness, a gooey and paracausal substance where those Grimm came from."

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