Ch. 28: Debilitating Trust

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"Hahaha! You got grit, kid. I admire a man/woman willing to risk the trust of everyone who's ever been kind to him/her. But lemme set the record straight - you're choosin' to walk with a monster. Monsters survive. Trust. People change. Priorities change. Stick with me, and you'll see that." - The Drifter

In the Emerald Forest where the Moon was shining bright and broken The Hunter and Yang continued to talk as the situation started to get weirder for The Guardian especially when her Ghost, Bell started to give her a small lecture with his innocent questioning.

"So you and Ruby Kell here have been subject to years upon years of Ether?" Bell said while scanning her. "Well I wouldn't say years, give or take a few months really."

"Yep, I can already tell the difference already, both Height and Strength have been significantly effected by the Ether, Hormone levels in a normal Young Women when compared to someone such as yourself is completely imbalanced."

"Is that bad?"

"Bad? Unnatural sure since you have more of it, but not inherently bad. You see to us Ether has been an anomaly when it has an affect on the Human Body, so much so that it hasn't even been tested to see if it DOES have any lasting effect."

"...So what does it mean to have more Hormones?"

"Well if I'm remembering certain medical records correctly..." Bell's Eye would flash for a few seconds before giving his answer. "How are your eating habits? Have you been eating more then what one would be considered...abnormal?"

"Such as?"

"Anything more then Three meals a day?" The Hunter asks suddenly. "Yeah, that."

Yang thought about it, and as she looked back on it she remembers the times where she had in fact raided her houses food supply and eaten it all. (With the help of Ruby that is.)

And she was still slightly hungry, it was a meal considered way more then 3 meals a day, that was for sure. Then there were the times hanging out with her friends that she would eat about two meals more then them and would still feel hungry.

Actually it was a surprise how she kept her figure the more she thought about it. Maybe her friends were right, maybe it did go to her chest. Yang thought as she looked at her slightly bigger then average-

"Yes, certain Hormones can affect even that when it comes to the female anatomy." Bell sudden

"Who asked you?!" Yang angrily yelled to Bell as if extremely embarrassed while crossing her arms around her chest trying to cover herself up. "That's also another thing, have you been prone to be "Quick to Anger" Miss Xiao-Long?" Bell said scanning her again.

The Hunter looked in still intrigued about this, despite it all while she wasn't as curious as her Warlock Friend she was still interested in the topics and theories that he had made at a scientific level.

One of those very crazy ideas was "How does Ether affect the Human Body?" but as time went by it was but a simple foot note with naught the time or energy to even look and experiment with, despite the numerous theories and ideas he did actually have with it.

So seeing a prime example of said person was honestly great to see, an almost new scientific study and or possible Breakthrough. All before The Warlock could even figure it out? "Sign me up for that." The Hunter thinks.

"Strange none of this should be making sense but, despite everything else I don't think I can find a single fault in your body, anatomical speaking, your Healthy, very healthy surprisingly."

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