Chapter 1: Prologue

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Chapter 1: Prologue

"What have you heard of my first home? We say there were buildings that touched a forest green sky. Winding pathways through gardens of smoke. Beautiful storms that left a gold shimmer on our streets. Truth, or rumors? Variks will not say. I give my homeworld to the legends."
— Variks, The Loyal

Riis - Many, Many Years Ago

It all began at the homeworld of the Eliksni, when it's home and it's people were the most prosperous. Where everyday was its best.

Often described as a "finely crafted paradise". Where the Ether, the very substance that allowed the Eliksni to live, ran free for the people, made possible by The Great Machine.

In fact, many of these objects and machines were made in honor of it. One of these machines would be labeled as Servitors, but that would matter more later on.

This, Traveler as one would call it found its home on Riis, and with its gifts in the form of Arc, Solar, and Void energy, it was revered as a God and to the inhabitants of Riis, they wouldn't have had it any other way.

It was as prosperous as can be for the Eliksni people. That was until tragedy struck, one day The Great Machine started to rise in the sky and when it did, it started to fly away.

This action confused the Eliksni people, where was it going, and why? Many were afraid of losing their own god and search parties were sent out to the stars.

Days pass with no word on The Great Machine's whereabouts, and when they returned that's when it came. The Darkness itself had made itself known, and it looked for its greatest enemy, The Traveler.

In its ravenous search the home world of the Eliksni would soon become targeted and darkness struck. Many cities were burned, Eliksni by the plenty both young and old were killed, and soon Riis would be consumed.

But that wasn't before the mighty Ketch's help the Eliksni get away from destruction, and because of this they too joined the search for the Great Machine. It would lead them to journey into the stars that go beyond their own solar system.

And in time they would find their way to the Sol System, after many countless years they had finally found The Great Machine, but now under control by this worlds inhabitants.

And so it went, the war to reclaim the Traveler at all costs started.

But that was the Eliksni that got away, what of the people who were swallowed by the Darkness? One instance when it was truly upon them shows as such.

A lone Servitor as grey as can be with a purple eye was (running or) floating away with many other Eliksni. Although it couldn't understand emotions one thing it knew was death.

The Darkness approached ever closer to itself and many others, as they ran they would bump into the fairly sized machine hurting and damaging it, and when it couldn't take no more it fell on to the ground.

It's lone eye barely seeing and looking, and as the Eliksni ran farther and farther away, it tried to go through with its objective to dispense Ether. When it couldn't reach anyone, it found out it failed, and all it saw was Darkness and it promptly shut down.

And Riis, the home world to the Eliksni had vanished.

Unknown Planet - Many Years Later

"...Hmm, this planet here, what do you make of this one brother?"

"Hmm, yes, a good start, a great start, we will build here! And make it anew!"

"Yes, I'm sure we can no doubt, you feel the aura that it gives off?"

"That I do...and it bothers me. No matter, whatever was here it looks as if it is long gone now, that I know."

"So be it, by the great one's will we shall build here, so we may make him proud."

"By the great one's will."

Remnant - Present Day

The island of Patch, a small island just off the coast of Vale, right where our main character of this story is. A young girl wearing a dress and a red cloak was looking out to the afternoon sky out of her home's window.

A two story log cabin, with a sheet metal roof, clearly having a dull red color was her home. Yet this wasn't what intrigued the young girl, not one bit. The forest was what she planned to explore.

"Hey Dad, can I go outside for a bit?" The young girl asks her blond-haired father. "Yeah...Sure, be safe..." her Dad says, despondently looking at a framed photo, not sparing her daughter a single look.

Looking at him sadly the young girl leaves her home, and ventures in the forest nearby. "Dad's looking at mom's photo again..." the red cloaked girl said who was called Ruby Rose.

Grabbing a long stick she starts poking the ground as she walks, thinking. What was on Ruby's mind was as troubling as one could be.

A week had passed since Ruby's mother had passed, leaving her with her sister Yang And her dad Taiyang. There was her Uncle Qrow too but he was barely around now.

*Sniff* Even when thinking about it young Ruby gets close to crying. "No more of Mom's cookies...No more bedtime more hugs and kisses from mom."

As she looks at the ground with tears in her eyes close to crying, the stick she pokes with at the ground suddenly hits something big.

"Huh?" When looking at this big object she sees that it's entirely covered in grass and moss, although it could be a small dirt hill she sees that it couldn't be it. Mainly because the grassy object was completely round.

"*Sniff* W-what's this?" Looking at it more she sees that it was like a circle, except half of it was above the ground. Seeing nothing to do with it, Ruby hits the object with her stick, thinking it to be a really weird rock.

*Thunk! Thunk! Thunk!* "Huh?" Wiping away her tears, Ruby hits the strange object with her stick again, hearing the same result. "That's...weird."

Approaching the weird circle, Ruby inspects it closer, and knocks on the weird "Rock". What came of it was that Ruby found she was knocking on Metal.

Now curious about this weird item, she feels around the object and found some loose pieces of grass, tearing it away she finds a weird metal contraption.

Looking around it she found that yes, half of it was incased in the ground, including the screen which looks like an eye. "What...are you?" Looking around seeing nobody. Ruby curiously looks all over the strange object, before finding some strange pieces of writing.

Ruby in her grief of losing her mother not knowing what it truly is, simply sees it as a robot left alone and abandoned, not knowing what to do Ruby goes and hugs the big machine three times her size.

"I won't leave you, friend" As she hugs the weird machine closer, what she fails to see is that the machine faintly glows a light purple, before shutting down.

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